8/4/2022 - economy-and-finance

Features of a Bono

By finguru

Features of a Bono

When someone invests in Bonos is giving money to a company (Corporate Bonos), to a government (Bonos Soberanos) or the other entity, in exchange for the return of their money one more interest.

They are issued for a period exceeding one year. The obligations, after being placed, may be transferred to the securities exchanges and outside them, so it is not necessary to keep them until the maturity. Your liquidity can then be immediate if you choose to sell them on the market and find a buyer who pays a fair price for this. Otherwise, you will receive periodic and partial payments if the investment is kept to maturity.

El Salvador issuer of the bonus undertakes to return the main capital along with the interest generated, the investors who acquired part of the bonus (terror of obligations). This interest may be fixed or variable and shall be determined freely by the issuer in the emission contract. As well as the emission currency. The issuer must indicate the location and dates of the interest payment.

The amount of the issuer is freely fixed, may be a fixed amount or bond lines. It is understood that the issue of obligations is by lines, when the individual settings in force do not exceed the total amount and the deadline of the line described in the Commission.

If the securities take coupons for the payment of interest and amortizations are indicated, if the interest rate is established and fixed, the value of these must be fixed in a development table, which will be filed in an annex to the issue writing: coupons.

Who do you hire?

It is bought directly to the issuer, in stock exchange or out of stock, through value intermediaries (bag chains? and value agents?) and other agents.

Precautions and warningsIt is important to bear in mind that both the issuer of the bonus and the values must be registered in the regulator of the issuing country.

While greater risk or possibility of non-payment is perceived by the institution that issues Bono, the greater will be the interest that this institution has to offer in order to be able to capture investors who wish to buy this Bono or lend money. They can be embarrassed by the creditors of the respective fork.

Associated costsBoth the Stock Bags and the Intermediaries, carry out a charge for the operations carried out on the asset (purchase or sale).

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https://storage. googleapis.com/finguru_static/og6xvg_2e63aca310/og6xvg_2e63aca310.htmlIs TIR a Bono?

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