8/18/2023 - economy-and-finance

Like magic art. Edenor / Edesur

By anonimo

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During these months, users of electrical supply services from the zones designed to the electrical distribution companies in the Amba, the first and second cord of the Province of Buenos Aires we receive increases in invoices that range from 200% to the families of higher income and little less than 50% to those of minors.

Different rates

However, the tariff tables are far from what distribution services are paid in the rest of the country.

It is worth noting that the generation costs, (which is the process through which electric energy is produced) and transport (which is to drive the high-voltage energy to the transforming stations to then distribute it, are common to all distribution companies, i.e., both Neuquén that realizes the highest rate and Jujuy that pays the lowest, pay the same. Differences between each of the distributors shall, exclusively in the positions they receive for their own services, bring energy to the families, trades and establishments of their concession zones.

Only as an example can we compare the tariff situation in average families:

This distribution becomes more notorious, against the two largest distributors, if we incorporate to the analysis the families of lower incomes, in which the tariff ratio is the fourth part compared with other regions.

That is, it depends where you find it, you can pay less than half or more than double for one service.

If, furthermore, we incorporate the typologies of the networks, the infrastructure required by the concentration of demand and public exposure that represents providing essential services in highly populated areas, the tariff differential is much higher against the two largest distributors in our country Edenor and Edesur, which reach almost 5,000 houses between the two.

Different technical needs

Obviously, because it is the central geographies of our country, the electrical networks located within these concession zones are the oldest.

If we consider that the city began from the south to the center and from there to the north, it is clear that the oldest facilities are in the area that operates Edesur.

Hence, in the face of the lack of investments and upgrades, the antiquity of the network along with the increase of demand, be it the zone with major incidents of supply cuts and the most difficult to operate.

It is to highlight the outdating of the high-voltage underground network, which in other times was the envy of all Latin American and many of the developed world countries. At present, OF cables (oil cooled) installed by water and energy continue to be used, prior to the Segba State.

Only in the Edesur network there are almost 900 km of these cables that have been replacing at a rate of 4 km per year.

Amortized networks, growing demand and delayed tariffs are an explosive cocktail that detonates every summer when the network debuts for seasonal increase in the office.

Understanding the numbers

According to what Edesur displays on its own portal, the breakdown of what we pay on each invoice is distributed as follows:

The monthly billing, for the whole concept, is around 15 billion pesos, it is worth noting that this is billing, without being effective collection, that is, there is a high percentage of customers who are delayed or directly no longer paying their invoices. On the other hand, the increase in precarious settlements has raised the levels of losses, (energy received versus energy effectively billed) above 20%, guarismos observed only before privatizations.

According to these considerations, Edesur's billing numbers would be:

That annually will be distributed in this way:

That is, Edesur has less than $13 million “official” per month to deal with the following demands:

Give service to almost 2.5 million clients for 5 official dollars to each or 2.5 real dollars, just over $1,000 a month Meet a grant zone of more than 33,000 km2 for less than five cents of dollar to apple.Operate and maintain a network of 32,500 km of low, medium and high voltage cables for 393 dollars per kilometer per month.Distribute 1 GB of electricity for 7.667 official dollars.Take advantage of the wages of thousands of direct employees, pay to suppliers of materials, equipment and services. Comply with investment plans to keep and grow the electrical network of your concession zone. Undoubtedly distributing energy to Edenor and Edesur is an art of magic. We must recognize all those involved in this task by the enormous effort that this represents.

Entrepreneurs, who continue to bet that, at some point, will be recognized their management based on the lack and the exploitation to the maximum of a super amortized infrastructure. That they preferred to ban the stop instead of planting the concession and initiate actions against international courts for failure to comply with the contracts.

Customers and users, who, although paying fares far below what they should, support a service hanging with wires and overlapped with cuts, lows and voltage subas.

And, mainly, all the workers of the distributor companies, their suppliers and contractors, who face the complaints, the lack of materials and the adversities proper to the activity with suitability, professionalism and love for the t-shirt.

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