Freedom to imprison
During the last few months, in the face of the closeness of the electoral acts that will take place this year, several proposals raise alternatives to resolve the issues that concern the Argentines most.In all surveys are among the main concerns of the consultations to so well-known and sponsored “inflation”.Understanding inflation as a problem in itself is like giving fever the responsibility of an infection, i.e. meeting the symptom without treating the cause that gave it oringen.In the media abound fanatics and detractors in dolarizing the economy, turning the plan as something almost dogmatic.Some who make this action a final and revealing response and others who raise that would be the end of our days.There will be articles in which doarization processes are explained in other economies, such as Panama, El Salvador, Ecuador or Zimbabwe, and again there are those that put the eye on positive and other negative aspects.Freedoms.
In our country, paradoxically, the political representation that evokes the flag of dolarization is self-defined as “liberaries”.Libertarian means in favor of freedom, i.e. contrary to the authoritarian, controlled, deterministic or enlightened.As in many aspects of life, the extremes are not recommended. We saw during the history of humanity continuous failures and true social catastrophes in the range of policies on one side and the other side. In all cases, failures were notorious and cruel.End of cycle.
Clearly, we are facing the possibility of an end of cycle in Argentina.A stage in which the state's leadership reached uncontrollable and uncommon levels.Burocracy, taxes and lack of clear rules have removed the investment and the distributive power of the work.The permanent financing of the debt and emission public exhausted the credit and destroyed the value of the local currency.All this is true and verifiable. No one can deny it.However, the guilt has no weight, but who manages it.Blame the weight of inflation, or the Central Bank is an intellect, is to give life to something that lacks it, only exists in the imagination of those who do it.Those responsible for these circumstances are those who occupy spaces of power, it is impossible for the space or the organism to be responsible. Understanding this is fundamental because only by making a correct diagnosis can we have adequate prescriptions.I remember that many years ago, during a trip through Spain, the young man of a restaurant every time he walked into the kitchen looking for a dish beat his head with a wooden stop that was at the entrance. The most curious of the situation was that in each coup you looked up in spite of the unfortunately located decoration. Blaming the weight is identical.Argentina has already spread.
During the convertibility period our country lived in a dolarization tactic. The parity of the weight with the dollar sustained for almost 10 years serves as an example to know the desired and indesist effects of resigning monetary policy in a regulatory authority of another country, in this case the United States Federal Reserve, which takes care of the interests of American citizens.It is likely that even during these times we are paying the price of having used alchemical measures in the past. Public expenditure in hard currency above incomes, bankrupt exclusively with public debt, sustained private investment with dollar funding against the flow of income denominated in weights were an explosive cocktail when external or internal crises affected people's income.It is difficult to forget the shots of real estate without postings, the arrests executions, the rejected checks, the unoccupation and the collapse of the banking system by the noise of the bunches.It's been 30 years, many may have forgotten. Others didn't go through that. However, those we remember must at least tell this part of the story.National symbol.
Throughout history, man adopted different symbols to give identity to the group or nation to which he belongs. Flags, hymns, shields and marches served as a guide for society to recognize itself.Since the mismatched creation of the fiduciary currency, emitting it bears the responsibility to give identity to the nation that the wedge.A currencyless country is a country without identity. A country without identity is a country that has delegated essential responsibilities in the understanding that alone cannot assume them.Dolarizing is delivering part of our identity. It is to lose our true sovereignty in the space of capitalism.It is to descend your arms by renouncing doing things as an independent nation.It is assumed to be inefficient, inept and incapable of leading the nation's monetary destinations.It is to put the car ahead of the donkey, because without tax order or country growth project only poverty is distributed, besides being in weights or in dollars.Being poor is equal in any denomination.
That is why offering those who have forgotten or never known the effects of a dolarization in fact, as was convertibility, the recent story account can serve to leave aside the anger and discredit we all have for the leaders.Dolarizar served some people to place order in their public accounts, but it was hardly useful for workers to entice social rise. In fact, it is usual to see traveling around the world to Brazilians, Argentines, Chileans, Mexicans or Chileans. Instead, we hardly find tours full of Panamanians, Ecuadorians, Salvadorans or Zimbabweans walking through Europe.Society as a whole has not yet found a better way to resolve common affairs than the exercise of democracy through representatives.We avoid the resignation of delivering a part of us because so far we fail to sustain the value of our money.It is, without a doubt, an imperfect process, but offers opportunities for all who can make themselves heard.Watch out for oir without listening.It is likely that behind declared freedom hides the darkest enlightened weakness founded on own inability.I continue to bet that in Argentina there are citizens of good faith and suitable to face the challenges we have and those who will come without giving up their backs.Do you want to validate this article?
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horacio gustavo ammaturo
I am Gustavo Ammaturo. I have a degree in Economics. CEO and Director of infrastructure, energy and telecommunications companies. Founder and mentor of Fintech, DeFi and software development companies. Blockchain Product Designer.
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