1/13/2024 - economy-and-finance

Self-contained prophecy

By horacio gustavo ammaturo

Self-contained prophecy

It tells a tale that an extremely poor boy found a way out of work traveling, making finger, from the people in which he lived to the market of fruits, vegetables and vegetables from a nearby countryside.He started carrying a drawer of tomatoes that sold a kilo to the neighbors.In fact, it was very good picking tomatoes and at little time, the quality of their products charged fame and everyone wanted to eat their tomatoes.In that first drawer, he bought two. Then expanded the product offering, incorporating onions, potatoes, and some fruits.With effort and dedication he was able to buy his first van and so, then, extended his points of sale, passing from walking to a first and humble place.Years later managed to form a company with several own locations and a distribution center.Along with commercial expansion also grew his family, married his companion and partner and together had a son to what they created with the possibilities they had lacked. In this sense, he attended the best schools until he obtained an international master's degree in economics.A source of permanent consultation, the father relied on the comments his professional son made to him.One day, the son comments to the father: “If about a recessive cycle, sales will decrease, the merchandise will rot by the lack of rotation and the salaries of the employees will end up with our savings, it is time to close some of the places and dismiss part of the income”.With blind faith, the father accepted the suggestion, for something the youth had studied.Cerró locales, sold trucks, stopped buying goods and detached many of his former collaborators.After a few months he could verify that he actually sold less.The child had hit the recessive cycle, with such accuracy that sales decreased in the same proportion with the divestiture they had carried out.This story, a little funny and somewhat troubling, shows us that, often, it is we who create our circumstances.Probably, during the 40 years when the father had worked, before the intervention of his son, there were recessive cycles and economic crises. However, austerity, dedication and commitment have drawn without noting these circumstances. In addition, in these critical moments, the business worked better, because people made smaller daily purchases in proximity trades, such as those he offered.As in many tales, in this also there is a moral.Often, anticipating to feared situations ends by collaborating with reality relas.Self-contained prophecies are decrees that predict what will happen, sometimes founded on a false definition of the situation, which awakens a new behavior that makes the original false conception of the situation become true.In these times of change, turbulent and extreme, review our decisions, both investment and output, demand exceptional considerations. Acting cautiously, without panic or emotions could mean surviving and growing up against those who act by inertia or taken by opportunism.Lots of luck for everyone at this stage that begins.

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horacio gustavo ammaturo

horacio gustavo ammaturo

I am Gustavo Ammaturo. I have a degree in Economics. CEO and Director of infrastructure, energy and telecommunications companies. Founder and mentor of Fintech, DeFi and software development companies. Blockchain Product Designer.


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