1/5/2023 - entertainment-and-well-being

2023: How to set your goals for this year!

By sofia odda

2023: How to set your goals for this year!

We provide you with tools to achieve your purposes this year and not abandon in the attempt

The beginning of a new year is the time to establish what are the next goals and goals to achieve. Many people propose to go to the gym, be healthier, quit smoking, but as they spend their days, they will abandon and lose which was the main reason why they started. There are several reasons that lead us to renounce our purposes. For example: to set us up a list of projects to cover everything, and then we end up crushing by all self-imposed obligations.

It may also be that the objectives are not sufficiently specific to draw a concrete path to achieve them. For example: “This year I would like to study English,” we are just expressing a desire intention. It would be different if we could say that this year we want to start studying two hours a week with a private online teacher. Anyway, there are a lot more reasons.

Do you want to be able to identify them and avoid them so that this time your goals are fulfilled?

  • Why are the goals needed?

The goals are needed, both we consider it as an important factor for our daily organization. If not so, we can observe how people begin to manifest in terms of desire “I would like to travel to ...” And it does not end up being a concrete action. People often fail to express this desire and begin to abandon their goals.

Many studies reveal that people abandon the proposed goals early in the year after the first six weeks. After week six, we do not remember what our goals were or what we had set, we have already left to express them even in desires. and begins to pass the cycle back.

First: We define your roles

  1. Think 7 at most. - Less is more.
  2. His roles should cover 3 fundamental aspects: his professional life, his life in relation to others and his life as an individual.
  3. The roles should be functions that you have this week by week.

What can be your roles? Let's take an example.

- Rol 1# Individual (physical, mental, spiritual, emotional)

- Rol 2# Professional

- Rol 3# Student

- Rol 4# Family (daughter kidney, sister, aunt)

- Rol 5# Girl

Second: Define your goals

For each role, think not only the goal, but also for what is important and what is your intention with this goal. (Maximum 3 goals simultaneously by roles).

- Rol 1# Individual → Objective 1: Deliver x times a week in gym x.

- Rol 2# Professional → Objective 1:

- Rol 3# Student →

Third: Check progress

During the year it is important that you check how your goals come and make adjustments that you consider necessary.

A moment to reflect:

  • What we're doing.
  • What we are not doing (and why).
  • What are the next steps we have to take in order to reach the end of the year having fulfilled all our goals.

In this way, your goals will always be to day, you will be making adjustments as you spend time and will not pass the circuit of every year “empezar de 0”.

I hope you served him the advice and put them into practice.

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sofia odda

sofia odda

Hi, I'm Sofia, clinical psychologist. I am dedicated to the psychological care of adults, adolescents, and children with disabilities. I conduct vocational guidance workshops, parental guidance, etc. I love my vocation, I enjoy working on what I like. Writing is a fundamental pillar to reflect. Also, I really like UX/UI design and learn about UX research. I invite you to read my articles.


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