8/2/2023 - entertainment-and-well-being

Food and associated psychological discomfort

By agostina pingaro

Food and associated psychological discomfort

We live in a society in which food, physical exercise and other practices have a strong weight in people's mental health. Very often, a good diet and a proper exercise repercussions with a positive impact on personal well-being. However, often this does not happen.Although there is currently no consensus on the etiology of eating disorders, there are predisposing factors, triggers and maintenance of the different tables. These three types of factors interact with each other determining the appearance and course of the disorders. They are among the same sociocultural, personal or psychological and biological factors.Currently, the culture of delgaity perpetrated by media and social networks is a major factor. In these, an ideal of almost unreal and unattainable beauty is alleged. Besides. images of people with an extremely slim and seemingly perfect body, to which one should aspire. Unresponsible diets, eating practices and physical exercise routines are published without these being recommended by health professionals. Social pressure to achieve this ideal from tax rates contributes to creating a certain vulnerability to suffer some disturbance of food conduct.

How to deal with malaise associated with food and beauty ideals

First of all, it is important to note that if we begin to notice symptoms and much associated malaise, it is extremely essential to consult with a health professional (psychologist, nutritionist, etc.)

However, there are small tips to be able to order the thoughts if the malaise is light. Some are as follows:

  • Putting time limits on apps like Instagram or TikTok that hurt us by seeing different bodies or unrealizable diets.
  • DO NOT CREATE ALL THAT VMs. People spell showing the best part of us on networks (even, can edit real life). So it's important to know that not all we see is real.
  • Follow pages that look a little more like us. Often help to follow models with similar bodies, fit people who inspire us and do not have a very distant rhythm of ours.
  • Do activities that we like us. Maybe we can't follow the fit routine we see on YouTube, but if we like to run with friends, do some amateur sport, etc.
  • Same with the feed. It is not necessary to live on salad basis. We can acquire healthy habits step by step without needing anguish in the process.
And again, always consult with a professional who can guide you in the process.

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agostina pingaro

agostina pingaro

I am Agos, Psychologist received from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) with Cognitive - Conductive orientation. I am currently Resident of Youth Infant Psychology at the General Hospital of Children Pedro de Elizalde - Ex Casa Cuna.


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