10/20/2022 - Entertainment and Well-being

Tips to start doing sports

By alberto serruya

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They start the days of heat and grab us an anxiety to get the best way possible for the summer, we want to do in 2 months all we did not during the year.

That do not take panic, to help you leave your doubts aside, we offer you various advice to discoverHow to start doing sports. So if you want to know how to start training and turn it into a habit, keep reading and discovering the keys to get and enjoy this process.

They do not serve miracle diets or all these programs that promise results in just a few weeks.

True success lies indelete the word ‘dieta’ and be “marked” from our vocabularyand talk about lifestyle.

At this point the big question is, Where do I start?, what do I do in the gym?, what how?, what kind of planning should I follow? These are some more frequent questions that come to us this time of year.

To get out of these doubts, we leave you some tips to help you.

Concreate in realistic goals: a training that of pleasure and that is progressive

Seeks goals that are accorded with their physical form: Don't want to do in a few months what you haven't done for a whole year.

Recurre to a professional to help you define and plan your challenges. Certainly you will get better results in less time.

Instead of your goals going down abruptly of weight, mind in the simple fact of exercising to see you and feel better. In this way, the results will be easier to achieve, it will avoid imposing unnecessary pressures and you will be putting yourself in healthier form.

  • Compromete out3 days a week to perform some aerobic activity.
  • When I get it,Add a day of strength exercise series.

Listen to your body

If you do not do physical activity, go to your doctor to make a check and ensure that everything is in order.

It is very important that you listen to your body whenever you do sports, because you may one day feel very willing to perform longer sessions than others or simply feel like resting. Make it a case.

Starts with simple exercises

When you take a lot of time without physical activity, your body will not endure too much requirement, and there are many possibilities of hurting you, it is key at this stage a good selection of exercises.

. To start performing physical activity you can score in 3 types of exercises.

  • Cardio: These are exercises that help increase your heart rate and control your breathing. Walking faster, climbing and down stairs, cycling are some examples that can help you.
  • Flexibility: These exercises aim to improve your mobility by activating all your muscles. Example of this are stretches, strands, Cat Posture or bow back stretching.
  • Force: With these exercises the goal is to gain strength and increase muscle mass by utilizing body weight as an ally to improve stamina. You can start with exercises such as sentries, arms and iron flexions.

A good feed

Change the processed products, alcohol and sweets by a healthier diet.

Included in your dishes both carbohydrates and proteins and healthy fats. All of them are fundamental for our organism to work properly.

Excluding miracle diets. Forget about losing a lot of pounds in a few weeks.

Consultation of a nutritionist and will get results that last in time because it will help you change your eating habits.

If you have excessive fats and not properly moisturized, for example, it will be very difficult to manage frequently.

We recommend following thesetips for improving food:

  • Desayuna foods rich in vitamins, iron and fibers (fruits, cereals, whole bread, etc.).
  • Lunch foods rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals (huevos, vegetables, lean meats, cereals, etc.).
  • At dinner, too, opt for protein-rich foods and vitamins such as meat, fish and salads.
  • Use the snacks after exercising to eat fruits, yogurts and natural juices.
  • Bring you well during the day. The best is to take water, but you can also take with infusions.
  • Avoid excess fried and boring food.
  • Bet for cooking more and buying less pre-cinated food.


Drinking water is fundamental for our organism to work properly.Drinking water before, during and after doing sports.One of the recommendations is to drinkbetween 2 and 3 liters of water per day.

Adopt training as a habit

There's onlyadopt the habit of doing physical activitybut also eliminate sedentary habits.

Stop start performing physical activity both at home, in the gym or in the park and that is a habit, we recommend these advice:

  • Fix a training schedule that fits daily life for the joints in the best possible way.
  • Make a space of your home to exercise.
  • Select easy to perform exercises to avoid injury and frustration when you start.
  • It begins progressively, with simple planning that allows you to make on average 30 minutes of exercise daily.
  • Olvídate From the apology, bridge comfortable clothes and begins to exercise.
If you don't do it to you no one will do it for you.

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alberto serruya

alberto serruya

National Professor of Physical Education. Personal trainer. Sports Coordinator.

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