5/25/2023 - entertainment-and-well-being

Kegel exercises – the importance of the pelvic zone

By guadalupe camurati

Kegel exercises – the importance of the pelvic zone

Strengthening the pelvic floor: a guide on Kegel exercises for women

Before talking about these exercises, you have to talk a little about the pelvis and the pelvic area of the woman. “The pelvis is the lower anatomical region of the trunk. Being a cavity, the pelvis is a osteomuscular embudo that narrows down, limited by the sacral bone, the coccix and the coxals (which form the pelvic waist) and the muscles of the lower abdominal wall and the perineo. It limits a space called the pelvic cavity, where important organs are found, among them, those of the female reproductive device. It has sexual, reproductive function, insurance and container. By ende, Kegel exercises consist of strengthen this muscle, pubocoxygeal muscle, called PC muscle. It is an area where there are eight smaller muscles that form this “suelo” that surround the urethra and genitals to the anal zone. It is like a U that goes backwards holding the pelvic organs of the pubic bone to the coccix, hence its name”.

Exercises to improve sexual health and prevent incontinence problems

These exercises consist of contracting and relaxing this muscle for at least ten seconds several times. You can stop, sit down, get used, walking, as you like. Its practice consists of toning it as we tones other body muscles in the gym, and the result makes the blood flow improved in the pelvic zone by ende favors vaginal lubrication, elasticity and orgasms can be more intense. It also helps in pregnancy, and in childbirth, the extra effort by overweight, the aging of the person, contains urine when performing actions as simple as toser, to spill, laugh or even at the time of sexual intercourse.

To detect the muscle, what is usually requested is that when you go to the bath to do pis, frenes the jet for a second, this muscle that contracts is what you have to exercise (not during urine this would be just to detect the zone). You can also enter a finger into the vagina and go attracting until you feel and relax. There are even sex toys, for sexual health that allow to exercise this muscle, for example, “Chinese balls” You can put them in the vaginal cavity and have them placed for a few hours while compressing and relaxing the muscle.

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guadalupe camurati

guadalupe camurati

Graphic designer, podcaster and content creator. In 2020 I made thesis on female pleasure and since then I created content on sexual education in networks. I recently started a podcast called "The G Point".


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