10/24/2022 - entertainment-and-well-being

The Ascendant: A way to learn

By mili capalbo

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In our Christmas Charter, the Ascendant is one of the key and most interesting points to deal with in a reading. Mark the beginning of the zodiacal wheel, the House 1, the door of access to all Houses, and who by ende will set up the layout of the other houses and the logic of our Christmas Letter.

To discover our Ascendant it is necessary to know the hour EXACTACT in which we are born. Why? The Earth rotates on its own axis, and in this turn passes through the 12 constellations. Every two hours look at a constellation, to a new horizon, which will mark our Ascendant. This sign is the first energy we will take at birth, so it marks an important point in our life.

The energy we came to learn

The sign of the Ascendant is of the first energies that will impact on us, but one of the last ones we will incorporate. Unlike the qualities of the Moon and the Sun, which we will feel more own, which define us as people, that of the ascendant we will feel more alien. This is a learning experience in our life, an energy that we have come to learn, incorporate and develop.

Maybe we feel we have nothing to do with ours. Ascendant, we don't feel identified with that energy. It is the destiny that brings us this energy, through different situations and experiences and will make it manifest. Other people and moments will help us develop these qualities. An energy that will show us the outside and force us to incorporate. We will see it in others, and we will need a mirror that reflects this energy and allows us to feel ours.

To develop it, we're going to need to face it again and again to do it ourselves.Learning will mark the sign where our Ascendant is. But it will also be important the Regent Planet of the same, and the planets that lie in our House 1, which will constitute continuous learning throughout life.

What will bring us every Ascendant?

ARIES: Convert into a warrior

This Ascendant will make us learn to start, to lead, to be courageous, to be independent and to take the reins. For this it is necessary to discover our own desire, what drives us? What do we want to do? They have a great ability to undertake, drive, go ahead and motivate others. You can feel that everything goes very fast, that they trouble you and that can generate anger. When they incorporate these qualities they will conquer what they propose and will feel like going forward and doing.

TAURO: Contemplate and value

He who has the Ascendant in Tauro will learn about the body, matter and money, and value what he generates. Linking to joy, pleasures, processes.

For this you will need to download a change, they will test your patience, and realize that things need your time, if an apure is likely to leave us as one wants. The relationship with money will be important, and you may not feel able to generate your own resources, but you have to drop the impulse and start feeling. Connect with the body that will be the vehicle to materialize what they propose. Learn to come down to reality and live the present.

What is worth it takes to get, but in the end there is reward.

GEMINIS: Let the game begin

The Ascendant in Genesis comes to be free, play, be spontaneous. It invites us to learn how to unleash structures, to experiment, to encourage themselves to explore and take different paths. They'll be surrounded by a youthful, fun, volatile environment. They may feel that it costs them to delve into something or they leave everything without ending. For this, you have to work the Earth element together. Learn to let go, to let yourself be carried, to listen and to connect with others, who will carry our (good) qualities. The brothers are a key figure for this Ascendant as they will design one's. Learning is in your blood and can be great transmitters of everything you will discover. But for this, it is necessary to start communicating.

CÂNCER: Being a home

This person will value the family, home, tradition. You will learn to immerse yourself in an emotional world, to connect to your interior, to generate a nest and be able to contain others there. The Ascendant in Cancer has to lose the fear of feeling, disarm your emotional courace, because when they open they will be able to develop their ability to generate spaces that contain, care and nourish others. You may feel vulnerable or “debted,” but the challenge is to learn to express your feelings so you can connect and empathize with your environment. They come to unite, to mother, to feel. Think less and feel more.

LEO: Lead

The Ascendant in Leo comes to learn to shine, to express himself and to show how they are, to radiate light and energy and to infect it. Life will put them in the center of the scene, although they do not seek it, and they will have to learn to take that place. Be authentic, get out of family attachment, find your own identity and make it shine. It may at first feel the need to do everything otherwise, but when they trust their own talents and abilities they will express total creativity and be those who drive others now.

VIRGO: Value the detail

Destiny will make you value the little, the details. They'll learn how to maximize resources, working with little. That's why I can sometimes feel that fate provides them with few resources, but the key is learning to save to get to the end. They have a great talent to order, plan, be detallists and optimize. They come to vibrate more slowly, connect with the self-care, focus on what is and solve with it. They can be very self-evident, but they have to allow themselves the error, enjoy, which have everything that is necessary to realize.

LIBRA: Everything is better shared

The Ascendant in Libra will take much into account the others. Come learn to balance, to reconcile with the other and to share. Unleash your own desire and get involved with the desire of the other. Register, what do you want on the other side? Libra balances the complementary poles, will hear everyone's desire to arm one. The partners, the couple, will be a key figure. The Ascendant in Libra needs to be linked, complemented, ask for help. Libra is to share. Diplomatics have the ability to see situations in a target way without clinging to one opinion and to give account to others on the different sides of a coin. Libra in the Ascendant will also seek the beautiful, the aesthetic, the cultural, are the “enchanters of the zodiac”.

CHOORPIO: Living intensely

In an intense environment, the Ascendant in Scorpio brings depth. It proposes to surrender to dark terrains, to release the known and to surrender to depth. Learn to turn, reborn. Engaging with conflicts, not running away from pain. Scorpio is fusion, has to connect, go inside and recognize its shadows. Let yourself feel, understand, dwell. It can be constantly connected to the endings, death or intense emotionally. But you have to learn how to turn pain into the engines of your life. They are great sanators, perceptors, who transmit trust. Sex is an important theme in your life too, they come to surrender themselves to your bonds and become through the other and with the other.

SAGITARY: Go to what I think

Surrounded by many cultures, you have to contact what expands it. The Ascendant in Sagittarius needs to open, expand, meet new things. For this they will cross the pain of their previous sign, Scorpio, to transcend and rekindle with faith and optimism. Expand the horizons. Discover new adventures and trust the universe. Believe it. Affer yourself to a philosophy and make it your own to start your great path. They come to learn and establish their own values and transmit them to the universe. To guide, to teach, because with all their vitality, trust and knowledge come to ascend for a new way of life.


Since childhood they will assume many responsibilities. The Ascendant in Capricorn will learn to self-suster, grow, connect with discipline. With a structured environment, with many requirements, they will learn to take the same position, to build their achievements. The father will be a key figure, because they will have to be their own authority. It will set its own goals, which thanks to its willpower will achieve them. They will have to accept that each obstacle will be an opportunity to develop the resources that will lead them to realize their achievements. Life will make them develop patience and perseverance. And during this long way you will learn how to manage your resources to generate. Allowing one to err and enjoy, and understand that one can not only. That with help, work, effort and dedication Capricorn has the ability to sustain and sustain others.

AGREEMENT: Living in freedom

Surrounded by unexpected situations, of interruptions in the way, the Ascendant in Aquarius will learn to flow with change and unforeseen. Cheering up to the new, the different, the only. When they discover their creative ability and break internal structures, there will be no one who brakes them. Aquarium is the constant change, the unconventional. They may feel that they belong nowhere, and be afraid of permanence. To feel free will have to change, go for new, disruptive things, do not always stay in one place, swim for new waters, and do not escape.

PISCIS: Feel for the other

The Ascendant Piscis develops the maximum sensitivity for all living beings. Come to learn about empathy, connect to compassion, feel how the other feels. The unconscious and his own intuition will be his best allies. Piscis is like a sponge, which absorbs from the energy of the environment, so it is very important that they connect with the symbolic language (the art, the music) and with the spiritual, with what I can not see, but feel, because they will transmit as a channel that energy they incorporate. They have a great ability to love and connect with others, realize what happens to them and help them channel what is happening to them. It may be that emotions confuse them, abound, and feel a lot, the skin flower. When they learn to connect to their power, they will discover their ability to heal, empathize, find one and find another.

Life will bring certain experiences and situations that will bring you closer and incorporate these energies that may feel aliens. Disciples, feel, hear, be attentive and seek to learn from them, that when they begin to manifest they will bind with the fullness of their being.

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mili capalbo

mili capalbo

Hello! I am Miel (so they tell me), partner and founder of a creative study. Of a very curious personality, a few years ago I discovered the world of astrology and today I seek to bring it closer and make it known to others. I think it's a self-knowledge tool, which we can all learn from. We are approaching the possibility of discovering our lights and shadows, with many fields to explore, collectively and personally.

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