5/11/2023 - entertainment-and-well-being

Physical Preparation for Skiers

By martin colacilli

Physical Preparation for Skiers

Physical preparation for skiing is essential to improve track performance and reduce the risk of injury. Here are some general recommendations for physical preparation for skiing:

How to prepare physically to ski: Cardiovascular training, strength, flexibility, balance and specific in snow

Cardiovascular training: Skiing is a sport that requires good cardiovascular resistance. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out aerobic activities and to run, cycling or hiking to improve lung capacity and resistance.

Strength training: Skiing also implies the need to have good strength in the legs, especially in the cuadriceps, glutes and pantorrilla muscles. Therefore, it is recommended to perform exercises of strength and sentries, stockpiles, pantorrilla elevations and exercises with weights.

Flexibility and mobility: Flexibility and mobility are important to avoid injury and improve track performance. Performing stretching exercises before and after skiing can be useful to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension.

Balance and stability: Skiing also requires a good balance and stability. To improve these aspects one can do specific exercises such as the use of balance tables, balance exercises with a single leg and moving balance exercises.

Specific snow training: Once you have a good training base, it is important to perform specific snow exercises to get used to the physical ski conditions and demands. Short snow racing can be made to improve technique, speed and agility.

Custom physical preparation for skiing: options and recommendations

It is important to remember that the physical preparation for skiing should be adapted to each person according to their level of physical condition and their experience in sport. We always recommend consulting a coach or a physical preparation specialist to get a more specific and personalized guide.

Most skiers do not live in snowy places throughout the year, which can make specific training difficult. However, there are options to train and prepare for skiing even without being close to the slopes.

There are artificial slopes with sliding surfaces that allow you to simulate the feeling of skiing in the snow. There are also online training programs and mobile apps that can help skiers improve their technique and physical conditioning anywhere.

It is also possible to train in academies or training centers that have specific equipment to improve the strength, balance and stability needed for skiing.

Tips for skiing safely and effectively: the importance of resting and listening to the body

It is common that skiers want to make the most of their time on the slopes and ski in consecutive days. However, it is important to note that skiing is a demanding sport and that the body needs time to recover between sessions.

Skiing in consecutive days can increase the risk of injuries and muscle fatigue. Therefore, it is recommended to take regular rests and ensure that you have a good diet and hydration to allow recovery of the body.

In addition, it is important to listen to the body and pay attention to signs of fatigue or injury. If you feel tired or sore, it is better to take a rest day to allow the body to recover before skiing again. It is important to take into account the need for rest and recovery of the body to prevent injury and improve performance on the leads.

The amount of ski hours that can be performed on a day depends on the opening and closing hours of the slopes. Usually, ski stations have established schedules that vary according to season and weather conditions.

On average, ski stations are usually open between 6 and 8 hours a day, but this may vary according to location and station type. It is important to bear in mind that the real time of skiing can be shorter due to rest breaks and food.

In addition, it is important to take into account the level of skill and physical resistance of each person when planning the amount of ski hours in a day. It is recommended to start with shorter skiing sessions and gradually increase duration and intensity as more experience is gained and improves the physical state. It is important to plan ski sessions gradually and listen to the body to avoid injuries and fatigue.

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martin colacilli

martin colacilli

I'm Martin Colacilli. National Professor of Physical Education. Work as Rugby and Hockey Sports Equipment Physical Preparer since 2000. I am also coordinator of Ocampo Club de Entrenamiento and CEO of Academia2dragones. Work at the Sports Institute by the evaluation workshop and the physical activity and health laboratory. Conducting scientific research presented at international congresses. Co-author of a book of sports physiology. Besides, I'm Personal Trainer.

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