The average of people, and I include myself, is proud to be rational, to believe only what you see and what science sees. Today this has a great incidence in particular in current generations, a circumstance in which science and technology advanced with such visibility to the point of replacing and eliminating the figure of a “all-powerful” omnipotent god for some people.
Not only would science seem to be the only bearer of modern truth, but also for these people, believing in a divine figure results unthinkable, even sometimes dizzy. However, I dare to say that none of these generations, or at least no one reading this note, can say that in moments of fear, suspended, or much expectation, were not praying to a higher being, in what they say not to believe, so that everything would go well. In my opinion, this behavior does not differ at all with the Cabal phenomenon.
The meaning that each person gives to their cabals varies infinitely. While some cabals are based on the mere continuation of a family tradition or among friends, others arise from the most unusual and irrisory forms. In turn, they can take place in all kinds of situations: exams, work interviews, new year, and to which in those times unites us all, the world. But what unites all the Cabals, however diverse they may be, is the goal they have: to obtain a favorable result through methods not based on logic or science. So, when we take logic and science, what are we left with?
In the staff, my favorite cabal is the use at the time of partial rendering, and it is extremely simple. In a post-it paper I write the topics I do not want to take, and I take it in the freezer. I think it sticks the edge with black magic or the whirlpools, but the only thing I know is that definitely more than once worked. At the same time, I have known that they dress in fact to see the parties of the world, or college companions, atheists, who hold candles before surrendering.
New year's cabals on the other hand are a world beyond, from placing silver on the shoes to having an economically prosperous year, until starting under the table to get a boyfriend/a. I don't deny or say I used the last cabal and it worked, not only for me if not for the three people who left with me that new year.
In short, we cannot deny that the Cabals exist and that several, I dare to say the majority, used them at least once in their life. The odd thing is that in a context in which metaphysical beliefs are increasingly left aside, we seem to make the fat vision of this negation of one beyond and decide to blindly trust the truthfulness of these canbals, and their potential to alter the fate of things.
Friedrich Nietzsche, in his work “Thus spoke Zaratustra,” he says: “It is the pain for those who suffer, to turn away the sight of their suffering and to lose themselves.” Perhaps then, having cabalas is in our nature, in wishing that something superior resolves the issues of cotidianeity that are out of our reach and somehow tapes that frustration. Or perhaps, the Cabals are signs that in effect there is a metaphysical force and everything is connected. As all, it becomes free interpretation of each.