2/8/2023 - entertainment-and-well-being

Books to read on holiday

By juana grehan

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Books to enjoy during the holidays

Whether it's beach, mountain, incredible cities or home, a good book can always convert a moment of rest in a much more interesting. Also, take you to travel far beyond the physical. In every way, you can be difficult sometimes to find books that really create an experience that can abstract us from where we are. So, what are the ideal books to accompany the summer? Here are four alternatives to different readers.

1) Silk - Alessandro Baricco

The first book is dedicated to those people who may not have incorporated the reading habit or costs them reading extensive books. This does not mean that people who have the habit of reading should not dive into this story.Alessandro Baricco is an Italian writer born in Turin in 1958 and Silk, published in 1996, is his greatest success as a novelist.Silk It's a story like that to read elapsed, a story that begins and ends in the same afternoon. Not only for its little number of pages, but also for the writing style of Baricco and the captivating plot that composes it.The story is situated in a French people and treats about a man who, when embarking on the silk business, falls in love with a young woman who knows in one of his trips to Japan. Baricco describes this story as a story with white music, which gives it to understand that it is a special story and like no other.

2) Chilean poet - Alexander Zambra

Alexandre Zambra is a Chilean writer born in 1975 and Chilean poet It is one of his novels, which was published in 2020. It is an original story, very well told and also highlights the style of the writer.Chilean poet Poet is a novel about a aspiring poet who, by putting himself in a couple with Carla, turns into a father's luck to his son Vicente. It is a story that has no superheroes or magicians or monsters, but which still manages to be unforgettable.

3) Claus and Lucas - Fancy Kristof

The third book that deserves to be read this holiday is nothing more and nothing less than the successful novel of Kristof: Claus and Lucas.Agota Kristof was a Hungarian writer born in 1935, i.e. his childhood was marked by World War II. This is an important given because the book is inspired by his childhood.The book consists of three novels: The Great Notebook (1986), The Test (1988) and The third lie (1991). A book with over 400 pages, but it has the power to make you read in just a few days. His first novel has very short chapters that introduce the reader to history in a very effective way. This is because it is read with such rapidity and simplicity that, for when the second and then third novel, the reader is already in history 100%.Claus and Lucas They are two brothers who tend to symbiosis and who must abandon their city due to an invasion of a foreign army. This is how children end up living with their grandmother. As she does not care for them as her mother, the brothers have no choice but to create themselves among them. That's how they start teaching until one day they decide to separate.

4) The unbearable lightness of being - Milan Kundera

Finally, the fourth book for this summer is The unbearable lightness of being, published in 1984. Kundera is a writer of the Republic Czech born in 1929 who lived the Soviet invasion of his country. He was even part of the communist party that was expelled for being part of the spring of Prague.This book not only has a history that is worthwhile, but also great reflections that Kundera allows to plasma on its pages. It is a story for these people who seek a novel with a little philosophy that makes them think.Located in Prague in 1968 (year when the Soviets invaded the former Czech Republic) The unbearable lightness of being It is a novel that demonstrates through its four protagonists, Tomas, Teresa, Sabina and Franz, that living a “light” life can be more unbearable than one in which to carry more weight.

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juana grehan

juana grehan

Hi, I'm Juana Grehan, I'm 19 and I was born in Palermo, CABA. I am currently conducting the international relations career at the University of Salvador. Since I'm a girl I've been passionate about reading and writing.

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