The new wave of the pallet came to stay. We see that many clubs have incorporated this dicipline with some changes. Perhaps the incorporation of artificial grass in the pallet courts has already represented a quality leap for this sport. Nowadays, they continue to see fields with the cement pavement/hormigón. But it is beginning to grow the amount of pallet fields with synthetic grass and glass walls.
The use ofArtificial grass in the pallet courts, not only represents an aesthetic improvement that indirectly benefits the practice of the pallet, but that brings to the game and to the players a more “sponsible” surface that brings a more controlled pique, a surface that allows the player to skate or slide over the track in displacements and fast movements.
The artificial grass also offers a floor that helps reduce injuries to traditional floors, allowing in turn a more discerning and attractive game for both the practitioner and the viewer.
After the introduction of artificial turf, possibly glass courts have been one of the factors that contributed more directly or indirectly to the practice and diffusion of the pallet.
Indirectly it also brings more security to the player when trying to return close hits to the crystal, as the impact of the palette is less aggressive than what would suffer by hitting a wall, so the player can risk much more on complicated returns.
Another benefit that contribute to the glass walls is in additional security that they contribute toshockswhich can perform the player himself without the intrinsic danger that can assume the same shock against a wall.
The crystal, thanks to its flexibility, providesgreater securityThe player who can thus make hits and returns that on a wall track would not do for fear of injuries produced by violent impacts.
BENEFITS:1.Regardless of technique, the player cannot apply correctly if he does not arrive with time and well prepared to the ball, unless you only catch him in the balls that are within your reach.2. A good player wins the first set, but the best physically prepared player can close the game without feeling exhaustion. Keeping your perfomance longer.
3. Avoid risk of injuryand we will prolong our service life as athletes.
First we will gradually improve our aerobic resistance, strengthening the muscles of the legs, abdomen and the upper train.We will pay special attention to abdominal strength work, to avoid waist and back pain.
All this will follow you with flexibility exercises. Speed training, agility, coordination and balance.
The most usual way to develop aerobic resistance is by trotting, although at first we can start with a walk at a good pace, and go little by little to carry out some stretches to the trot. We can use bike, row, jump on the soga and swimming.
General exercises: Aerobic resistance, strength, anaerobic power and flexibility
Specific exercises: coordination, power, speed
The advantages of trainingIt will give us:
Activation of the circulatory device.
Increased strength.
Body preparation for greater physical requirements.
You gain motivation and trust.
Will increase the skills needed to be better player
As our level increases, the type of training will be increasingly demanding as well as your physical assessments.
In short, theimprovement of physical conditionwill give you a greatcompetitive advantage over your rival.
These are just several of the paths we can use to achieve a good physical condition, and that will help us achieve better sports performance,decrease andrisk of injury and improving our performance.It is essential that we do ourstrainings coordinated by a professional (or that he planned us, Although it is not present during physical training) and, in the same way, this is whoTeaches us to perform each of the exercisescorrectly to avoid injuries.Finally, if possible, we will try to carry out the trainings in pleasant places, so it will be more stimulating and less routine; that is, without forgetting to always wear a suitable footwear (maybe you have ones)Paddle tennis for your partiesand others running for resistance training)
Physical preparation is determinant for the last set. The differences in the effectiveness of the shots between winners and errors increased in the last set of the party. Therefore, the effectiveness of the coup seems to be a key factor in the pallet that distinguishes between winning or losing. This knowledge may have implications for the design of appropriate game strategies and specific training sessions to improve performance and prevent sports injuries.
The repetition of rapid actions, sudden changes of direction and specific gestures in the pallet could be a factor associated with one or several types of musculoskeletal lesions especially in disembodied players.The elbow and the lumbar zone were shown as the most frequent injured regions, followed by knee and shoulder injuries.