1/9/2023 - Entertainment and Well-being

What does it mean to have healthy eating?

By javier de leon

What does it mean to have healthy eating?

It is to monitor the type of food you consume daily and your elaboration process, as well as the size of the servings that form your dish, not least is the schedule and amount of daily meals you make.

In summary, healthy eating is the balance between: Quality, Quantity and Distribution.

When should I eat?

Keep in mind that you should eat not less than 4 times a day and you should not skip any of these meals. The most recommendable thing to organize is that you place timetables for them.

If you have marked meals between hours (collations) do not stop doing them, as it will help you keep you with energies all day and will help your metabolism.

At this point the most recommended is that you see a Nutritionist as it helps you create a feeding plan that fits your needs.

What should I eat?

To help you at this point we will divide you into 4 groups:


You should not add sugar or honey to the infusions you prepare, if you will drink prefiérel soft drinks without sugar.

As dessert chooses a fruit, it tries to avoid replenishment desserts or bakery products with sugar.


Avoid or moderate the consumption of salt that adds your meals, use in your place natural condiments, which bring you very delicious flavors.

Controls the consumption of elaborate products (prepared, inlaid, instant soups, hams, etc.), as they contain a high amount of sodium.


Consume to be possible fish at least 2 times a week because the same is a great source of Omega 3 which is very beneficial for your heart health.

When you are consuming chicken, always do without the skin, if you choose red meat tries to be thin cuts or tomato the time and quitale excess fat.

It always avoids the feeding, consuming them to the iron or kettle.

Avoid the consumption of both mayonnaise, butter or common margarine, as they have a large fatty contribution that should not add to your diet.


You should include vegetables to all the preparations you make, normalize the consumption of raw vegetable salads at least once a day.

Consume fresh fruits and if they are shelled much better.

When you choose flours, rice, pastes and breads, these are integral.

How much to eat?

Mary Ambrossi Espacio Terapéutico El Cambio Empieza por Ti

1⁄2 Plate of raw or cooked vegetables

Raw leaf vegetables are of free consumption.

1⁄4 Rice plate, pasta, grains, flours, bony or baked.

1⁄4 Fish plato, chicken, red meat or eggs.

Always for dessert choose a season fruit.

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javier de leon

javier de leon

Hello, my name is Javier, I am Co-founder in conjunction with my wife of the Therapeutic Space Change Starts by You, a place where we provide those who trust us with valuable tools so they can continue to evolve and achieve their original goals.
In turn I manage in the area of communications and I love interaction with people.

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