9/12/2023 - entertainment-and-well-being

Vulva vs Vagina

By guadalupe camurati

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Conchita, conchulina, Cachucha, chuchi, cajeta, shell. Since we were born, our primary figures use diminutives, surnames and changes in the very name of our genitals. Why does this happen? Tabu? Not to be “so direct”? This happens only with the genitals of the body, because to the elbow we call it elbow and arm, arm. It is as if the genitals were a bad word, or a sudden or forbidden word. It wouldn't be much easier, how are they? Is there anything in that word that bothers us? Capable yes. It comes from so many previous generations that everything related to sex is shameful, or private.

Growing up, not only does it generate that we do not know the real name and the differences of the parties, but also diminish the importance of each and its functions. Even most grows assuming that the vagina is “the one we have below” but the vagina is only the inner part and the outer part, the visible, is called vulva.

To understand that it conforms the reproductive and sexual female device, it is necessary to differentiate its parts: we start with the Mount of Venus, the zone located just below the navel, with triangular shape that, along the adolescence, begins to grow pubic hair. Hence they deflate the external lips that cover the internal lips that give opening to the vaginal entrance. Among these inner lips, we can find the organ of pleasure, the Christ with his lid and the urethra, hole where the urine comes out. All that would be the vulva. The visible part. Now, from the vaginal entrance inside, we can find, the vagina. This is where things happen like penetration, childbirth, and here comes menstruation. It is a space that is softened and adapted to what to insert (or egrese). It is elastic, even, not very sensitive. The most sensitive part are the first 2 or 3cm of the entrance of the hole. It has the ability to expand much more, the vaginal walls achieve this through its elastic folds. On the other hand, within the vagina we find a very important part that is the pelvic soil zone, formed by a group of muscles that encompass the bottom of the pelvis, and subject everything. This same has to be toned, trained and manages so only by attracting and relatting it, several times a day. This exercise is known as “Ejercicios de Kegel”. It is extremely important for many things, such as to have more intense orgasms, delivery and postpartum better and not to have urine loss easily. If we continue through the vaginal cavity we top ourselves with the neck of the uterus, a muscular organ that has the function of separating the uterus from the vagina, acts of conduct for spermatozoids, menstruation and delivery.

Still, the big taboo for people with vulva-vagina usually goes by your aspect. When we grow up and develop, the vulva no longer takes the soft, pink and hairless look that used to have. Salem your hair, change color some areas, wash your lips. What happens to this is that many women grow up without learning to observe and meet. By ende, there are usually complexes with the same. Complexes that hinder and inhibit their sexuality. The reality is that they are not all equal or “perfects”. We grow up with a visualization (cinematographic and pornographic) that conditions us very much to see our genitals. Most do not have the inner lips of the same size or color “roased”. Sometimes one is larger than the other and sometimes one or both are larger than the external lips. This is totally normal. As soon as one is familiar with its parts, of the whole body, before it will live its sexuality in full.

As for the care of the “vulvagina”, it is to say the external and internal part of the female genital area it is important to clarify that is a self-cleaning organ, that is, it must be very careful what we introduce in the zone and especially in. The vagina has a balanced acid PH with its own protective barrier. Basically, you clean yourself up. What can be cleaned and humiliated is the vulva, with water and special soaps for this area.

Having understood a little about the differences of their parts, all this helps us all a little to understand that each part has a different function and care and the ideal would be to encourage all people with vulvagina to self-discovery, look at the mirror and see that there is.

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guadalupe camurati

guadalupe camurati

Graphic designer, podcaster and content creator. In 2020 I made thesis on female pleasure and since then I created content on sexual education in networks. I recently started a podcast called "The G Point".


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