5/20/2022 - politics-and-society

The contraman

By horacio gustavo ammaturo

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For decades, the world's main currency is the US dollar.Used internationally as standard to arbitrate between the rest of the currencies, I will possess the quality of being “Primus inter Paris”, Latin locution that literally identifies him as "the first among equals", i.e. within the world of currencies is the greatest power.Lately, in some sectors dealing with economics and finance, the idea that, for different reasons, the leadership of the green note would have come into discussion and that at some point close to other value reserve alternatives and international standards could take their place.In fact, he had personally begun to abandon this theory, mainly by the use made of the dollar-based banking and financial system to punish Russian oringen companies and millionaires, transforming habitual tools of the economy into war weapons. Perhaps this would serve as a boost for nations, companies and holders of large capitals to seek parallel systems or create new models less dependent on the will of one country.However, the story of a young student would add value to my presumptions radically changing what he was thinking.Joãoita, attended his senior year of high school. Excellent student, with an average of over 9 throughout his career had approved the entrance to one of the most important technical universities in Buenos Aires. With the intention of simultaneously addressing two careers, engineering and economics, he unsuccessfully tried that the local university would accept enrollment in both disciplines, with the explanation that by the time-carrying they demanded would be impossible for someone to face such a commitment.He also failed to access any stock exchange that would reduce costs for his parents, despite having more than enough merit, the stock exchanges were covered.Besides standing out as a student, he was also very good Hockey player. Several years ago, his school had agreements with international universities to offer study in other countries.As usual, a U.S. university visited the college of Buenos Aires to meet the students who completed their courses and offer some selected the possibility of studying out.Joãoita had not thought of going from the country to study away from his family, but the rejection of being able to undertake two careers together led her to try luck at the University of the United States. He signed up on line and earned two exams, one language and one ticket.After a few weeks, he received a communication from one of the high-level schools with the following introduction and proposal:“Estimada Juana, we would like you to be part of our team, we are to improve any proposal that another university will make you. However, we offer you:

  1. That you can enjoy both races simultaneously,
  2. 100% career scholarship (5 years) in both specialties,
  3. Accommodation and full food at our university campus,
  4. Economic assistance of $1,500 per month,
  5. As we know of your interest in sport, we offer you to be part of our Hockey team, one of the best of university leagues.
  6. Our institution intends to expand the possibilities of our students, for this reason if during their studies decide to change university will have freedom of action.
  7. In addition, we have the support of large companies that have already shown interest in you to contact proposals for future jobs. "
An enthusiastic and well-recognized Juana faced her parents warning that she would probably accept the proposal. With a mixture of pride, sadness, frustration and fear, they realized that the youth had its own wings and that other winds would help her fly.Listening to this tale of his mother's mouth made me reflect on how many Juanas are recruited worldwide by U.S. universities, how many professionals from various areas see better opportunities in these latitudes, how many workers are required to receive better wages or what facilities they want to undertake or value the economy of a country.Juana is one of the hundreds of cases that occur in Argentina, one of the tens of thousands that occur in Latin America and one of the hundreds of thousands that occur in the world. There are Brazilian Migueles and Helenas, Johanes of South Africa, Marias and Josés, Peruvians or Yusuf Turks who are tempted by universities, companies or scientific groups in the United States, in search of excellence. Selecting those who can be the best to give them greater opportunities and development expectations.If we look at the countries that more companies generate, that more brands and patents record, that more startups start year after year, or from where the largest companies in the world are, we always find the United States.The American model goes from the hand of rewarding the successes by enhancing and giving them recognition and opportunities.This is where the real power of the dollar, a currency used by a nation that has a common sense, which has seduced for decades to those who overwhelm in any discipline, improving conditions and opportunities, in the understanding that in the face of what these people have to offer to society is much more than the effort that they must make to contact you, seduce and retain.While the rest of the countries lack this vision, even if we do just the opposite and we are going against it, the power of the U.S. dollar is assured, because there will be more and more added value proposals that this country has to offer to the world generating more demand for its currency.

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horacio gustavo ammaturo

horacio gustavo ammaturo

I am Gustavo Ammaturo. I have a degree in Economics. CEO and Director of infrastructure, energy and telecommunications companies. Founder and mentor of Fintech, DeFi and software development companies. Blockchain Product Designer.


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