7/4/2022 - politics-and-society

From salaries to alms

By horacio gustavo ammaturo

From salaries to alms

Undoubtedly one of the keys of the annorada “Argentina potency” is in the possibilities of social rise who offered to all men of the world who wanted to inhabit our soil, as described by the National Constitution.Wings of immigrants fleeing from the world wars of Europe have found peace, food and fundamentally work, things that war conflicts have replaced with terror, hunger, disease and death.As with the rest of the things that move in the markets, a growing economy increasingly seeks human resources to cover work needs. The increase in employment applications, combined with old work practices that concentrated the distribution of income they had most, were the seeds that gave rise to the emergence of political movements such as radicalism and peronism, which captured the support of an increasing middle class and another huge comprised of workers from all areas and industries.The peronist model based on protectionism for own production, full employment and high wages was used by union structures that organized the claims so that every time, workers' rights improve in favor of a more equitable distribution of wealth.Improvements in workers' incomes have produced the desired spill effect but on the contrary.The best-paid work promoted the development of small and medium-sized enterprises that saw the opportunity to increase their production, in turn, improved the results of large corporations that supply heavy industrial inputs and products.Social justice in those times had the goal of improving education, health and employment opportunities throughout the national territory.In sum, The country grew while the state sought to distribute opportunities among those who had less of them, whether in regard to training, physical well-being and the possibilities of access to a dignified and well-paid work, something that gave rise to what is known as “culture of work”.Several circumstances, geopolitics and internal policy, combined with changes in the global wealth generation matrix, which have passed from raw materials to the most value-added products, have affected the monetary flows of currencies, generating mismatches in the balances of payments and changes that have been loosened with public debt mainly.The rest is known history and is no reason for this analysis.The worst consequence that this unfortunate succession of facts produced was the loss of purchasing power of local money as a result of the potential to buy wages. that began to run much behind increases in the prices of goods and services.Processes such as this happened once and again over the past seventy years, destroying once and again the value of workers' incomes by gradually undermining what had made Argentina a power, the possibilities of social scale and the purchasing power of wages, destroying in every crisis that culture of work.With time lThe accumulation of asymmetries, measures in terms of poverty and indigence, resulted in new palliative forms in subsidies and assistance formats. changing the social organization, the spaces of representation and the demands of many people.Under the doctrine that professes that where there is need there is a right, the needs and rights dilute the responsibilities and obligations of people in society.The guilds and trade unions, who once defended the rights of workers lost representative space in the face of social organizations and left-wing groups that emerged as an expression of the new realities.Labor claims have been replaced by barriaal meals, food aid plans, subsidies of all types or family allowances.The debate to find out what or who were responsible for such deterioration is sterile if it is not defined What should be done to change this perverse matrix of vagueness, alms and lack.The values that led our country to be power are no longer. Instead, the policies implemented for decades have destroyed our most important asset, the hope of progressing, of having a car and a home that is the result of the effort of our work.In Argentina, very few workers can aspire to buy a car and much less a house, the challenge is to reach the end of month with paid accounts, something increasingly difficult to achieve.The State has become the true concentrator of wealth, That which he intends to distribute and that with his policies he ended up destroying.There is no oversized rich state model as growing needs of public funding compete with private activity. This produces divestments that lead to more unemployment and lower wages.Workers end up in marginal activities, unemployed or thickening the list of employees and public contractors, all in loss of their revenues, paying even more to the concept of loss of work culture.The State must be present to take care that most Argentines have labor and development opportunities.The amount of subsidies that divide a nation, far from speaking well of the government that divides them, disqualifies them as intermediaries in public management, as they failed to provide the minimum conditions of edge so that Argentines can work and grow, As in most countries where public intervention is in this sense.Perhaps for all this, employment has been replaced by the subsidy, the unions by social organizations, the work by the picket, the responsibility for the complaint and the salary for the alms.

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horacio gustavo ammaturo

horacio gustavo ammaturo

I am Gustavo Ammaturo. I have a degree in Economics. CEO and Director of infrastructure, energy and telecommunications companies. Founder and mentor of Fintech, DeFi and software development companies. Blockchain Product Designer.


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