2/27/2023 - politics-and-society

God is good

By oscar uncal

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God is good....Today, many are asked this question: God is good??, and the answer of a Christian is: Yes, God is good, and that says with emphasis. Will it not delay in reaching the answer of those who do not know God by saying: if but if you read the Bible you will see that there are many wars, many killings, many injustices and beyond today there is a plague that plagues the whole world and God allows it and that say of the flood?... .

Brothers, there are many proofs that God loves his creation and man is the greatest of this creation. Now we can ask: Will God have any reason to allow man to pass bad things? Because throughout history man has been involved in all kinds of difficulties and the question comes back. and come back. and if God loves his creation, where man is the most exponent, why does all this disgrace allow??

We must take the world that has not had a personal experience with the God of Grace answers that lead them to reflect on a possible anger of God with man, such as: Wars, Hunger, Assassinates, Drug addiction, Sometimento of one another, the richness of the planet accumulated in very few hands while malnutrition reaches humanity. ... and I could follow, but I think how it shows you hit those buttons, don't you?

Then blame God by the misfortunes of man would be a contradiction, when man has manipulated in the past, manipulates in the present and even perhaps wants to continue manipulating a society that has no form of defense before the powerful........., that perhaps today they are lifting their eyes up looking for answers. ...

And yes, we Christians know that the answers can only come from a good and merciful God. And the Most High and Eternal God gave us a safeconduct, this is in Jn 3:16 “For in such a way God has admonished the world, who has given his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not lose, have eternal life” Today Christians celebrate the fulfillment of this promise and the same is the crucifixion of Jesus... and, of course, the maximum of his fulfillment is his Resurrection on Easter Sunday.

The Scriptures. ... who are inerrant and never lack the truth, they hold on to their goodness, let us see some passages of them: Mc 10:18 And Jesus said to him: Why do you call me good? No one is good, but only one, God. Sai 119:68 Well it is you and well-doctor; add me your statutes. Sai 143:10 Show me to do your will, because you are my God; your good Spirit guide me the firm earth. #2:4 Or do you have in little the riches of your goodness, tolerance and patience, ignoring that the goodness of God guides you to repentance? 1 Tiss 4:4 Because everything created by God is good and nothing should be refused to receive thanksgiving. 1 Cr 16:34 I thank the Lord, for He is good; for forever is His mercy. Sai 25:7/8 Do not look after the sins of my youth or my transgressions; remember me according to his mercy, for his goodness, O Lord. Good and right is the Lord; therefore, He shows sinners the way. These are just some of the passages that show us the goodness and mercy of an Almighty God as ours Heavenly Father.

Today we know that Jesus died for all, although it is present in those who believe in him and accept him as Lord and Savior. We must seek his presence incessantly and be able to affirm with more emphasis than ever..., God is good... and merciful. God bless you. Love!

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oscar uncal

oscar uncal

I am Public Accountant and Business Advisor of various topics related to: SMEs,
Entrepreneurs and Microinvestments. As Entrepreneur I have developed several
projects actively involved in each of them, the same have been projects
industrial, technological and innovative from a technical point of view,
the vision of taking into account the care of the planet in development
sustainable, I have also managed the Accounting, Financial and Tax Administration,
from different groups of Micro Investors (Inversores Angeles) in different projects.
I count with more than 35 years of experience in the market as management and also
consultant of public and private companies. I am a member of numerous associations
professional and social. I have developed as External and Internal Auditor, Manager
Administrative and Financial Management, with areas such as Administration
Accountant, Treasury, Accounts for Cobrar, Payment to Suppliers, Taxes, Systems,
Responsible for managing ISO 9000 Standards.
The tasks were carried out in various private companies and organizations and
public. I have specialized in Risk Capital, getting involved in all
areas of entrepreneurship; both as entrepreneur, investor and/or the role of link
between the investor and the entrepreneur.
On the other hand, both within the enterprises and outside of them I have put my
to the service of Christian values which guide me at every step of my life

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