10/24/2023 - Politics and Society

Divide and reign: the birth of Massism

By stefania bargardi

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Divide and reign: the birth of Massism

The general election results gave a battalion that many expected, but others did not. The surprise of “peronism” with a growth of almost 10 points left bochiabiertos to a split opposition, which puts in crisis the system of parties in effect since the return of democracy and above all opposition.

Sergio Massa, in principle questioned for his trips and turns with the kirchnerist movement, succeeded in the adhesion that this sector needed to resurface the ashes as a fertile bird. The use of State resources has given him a power which, as Minister of Economic Affairs, makes him acting as President-in-Office.

Massist pragmatism allowed him to have budget and structure to retake the votes they had lost in the PASO, and as we anticipate the political analysts, he ended up earning those less risks he took and less was wrong: a coherent, firm and clear speaker.

The opposition lost votes from its ranks, while failing to capture the undecided and absent from the primary. Those who changed their vote from one eleccion to the other, went all to Sergio Massa. Together for Change and for Advanced Freedom, they made the decision to extant their attitudes in the last days of the campaign, with more critical speeches to peronism, than concrete proposals of their space. Which generated doubts on his voters.

Together for Change you must make a self-criticism of how to advance to the future if you want to stay on the electoral map and renew yourself in the medium term.

Javier Milei should better standardize his candidates immediately, because although they keep an extreme freedom of expression in their ranks, many of his followers “put their feet” in the last few days with unnecessary statements, which not only polarize their position, but which leave them on fire in front of the other parties, and gives them more difficulty to catch these ballotage votes.

But to what extent should it be tempered if they can lose genuine adhesions? The truth is that the two Ballotage candidates play with the fundamentalism of their ranks, but both must capture a center and not be extreme.

Meanwhile kirchnerism will yield to the birth of Massism

Without Cristina in the bullfight and with a lack of kirchnerist leadership, Sérgio Massa took the post with criticisms of the representation of the movement; but generating a new renewing peronism that has been building since the base for several years. No one had their leadership level to put forward.

However, the tension between the movement and the individual is noted. The candidate of America for the Homeland decided to show himself without aggregates in campaign closures and in the post election results act, distancing himself from Alberto Fernández and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, as if not part of the current government. The image and speech of a “Coalition of National Renewal Unit”, used by Massa, is a quiebre and change in relation to the ceased government, while seeking to capture the decisive center to win the Ballotage.

The party system is saturated and in crisis. It is the key time to seek and form new leaderships, for some more young and innovative, outside the so-called “casta”, something that JxC could not interpret, but that Milei and Massa managed to tract.

The birth of Massism represents a new mouth of air for the peronism that seemed to collapse and a challenge for the opposition that cannot be unified. Andrés Malamud described it very well when he said “If the change is divided, it gains continuity. Hyper-presidentialism does not exist, the thread and the silver, yes”. In what I add, that Argentina thinks in the short term, and although statistics say that ballotage redresses the results of the first round, the accounts say otherwise.

The posture that both take in the coming days will be keys to define the results, although they are adjusted. The guinos of the other three parties are not defined from the election because, unlike UXP and LLA, they are not fundamentalists and their voters are at the center of two abyss.

The truth is that, with these results, the crack is growing and difficult to close, regardless of who wins the Ballotage.

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stefania bargardi

stefania bargardi

Hi, I'm Stefanía, an international analyst dedicated to consulting and research. I have a degree in International Relations and Political Science from UCA and a postgraduate degree in International Business from UADE. I was granted a scholarship by the IDB and the US Embassy in Argentina for specializations on international trade and the US.
I also received a scholarship from the IDB for a postgraduate course in International Trade Law at the University of Geneva.
I invite you to get to know the world of international geopolitics through my articles.


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