12/29/2021 - politics-and-society

People's adjustment has already done so

By horacio gustavo ammaturo

People's adjustment has already done so

The Work

From the sociological point of view, both unemployment and poorly paid work produce individual and social effects that degrade the basic functions of employment.

Work in its economic dimension is the main means by which people relate to society and contribute to its maintenance. This bond between the person and society enables a sense of participation and usefulness.

The first function of the work is to provide the necessary means for subsistence.

Employment serves to give an image of ourselves, while providing a socially recognized position and status. The workplace, when establishing a continuity in social relations, is the core of the processes of identification and belonging to a community.

On the other hand, keeping active and busy is one of the main motivations to work, being one of the biggest psychological prices facing the unemployed the same inactivity.

In short, work is one of the main nexus between individual goals and collective goals, hence its importance for understanding contemporary societies.

But what happens when work does not solve basic economic needs?

The economic history of the Republic of Argentina passed between periods in which labor costs stood much above the regional average and others of sub-evaluation in workers' incomes.

This week, two very representative facts were given on the local labour market at these times, in particular for less qualified jobs.

Live wage

Just as the prices of the mass consumption base products offered in supermarkets serve as thermometer to analyze the impact of inflation in consumer pockets, the lectures with whom they have work and those looking to highlight what is happening in the field of work.

Asking an employee about how I saw in his neighborhood the work opportunities me that it has been a long time for “lack work”. In addition, for my astonishment, it tells me that in the year 2.020, a construction worker who made house changas and repairs within his neighborhood charged between 2,000 and 2,500 pesos per day of work, obviously in black and without any social or retired benefit. Today, after two years and having accumulated almost 50% of inflation in the period is paid for the same task 800 pesos per day.

If we analyze the updated values, which would reach between 3,000 and 3,750, against the 800 pesos, the loss of the purchasing power of these people exceeds 75%.

Income statistics

The other significant fact occurred on April 27, when the government, companies and guidings, under the Minimum, Vital and Mobile Board, agreed to a suba for the minimum wage of 35% that will be distributed in seven tranches, leaving it at the end of the adjustment period in 29,160 pesos, amount that will be reached in March, 2.022, that is, within almost a year.

It is far from its definition, for it is not vital, neither mobile nor salary. It only meets the minimum rating.

On today's day, the minimum wage is located in the 21,600 pesos, far from the 62,958 pesos that the Indec calculates as the total basic canast value for a home composed of four people, and the most serious is that it does not even reach to cover the basic food basket calculated on 26,677 pesos.

Another interesting fact is that the individual average income of the Argentines is 36,246 pesos, that is, the workers of our country also cannot cope with the cost of the total basic basket if one of the members has a formal job, for the case of the unshared people, the average income is reduced to 25,729 pesos.

Poverty and Indigence

The National Institute of Statistics and Census, INDEC, is in charge of making the Permanent Survey of Families that is a program that systematically measures the sociodemographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the population.

The concepts of Basic Food Canasta and Total Basic Canasta calculate what are the sums of minimum and monthly money to meet the food needs of a family of four in the first case and in the second to face, in general, all the “minimum” expenses of that same type family. Both amounts will define that it is the line of indulgence for those who cannot cover food issues and that is poverty, for those who can cover food needs, but cannot satisfy others.

The indicators of poverty and indigence, perhaps, are the most important variables to measure, both the results of policies that apply and the performance of politicians who manage them, this includes officialism and turn opposition, because from the point of view of the citizen is anecdotic who has the lapicera to do or the microphone to complain.

The responsibility of taking power delegated by the people forces all representatives to improve the social and economic conditions of the citizens.

To think that poverty resolves by distributing the wealth of few rich, far from generating wealth increases poverty.

The aim is to generate a new wealth, and it is necessary to improve the distribution of opportunities.

The workers put everything

If we take into account that in Argentina there are about 8,100,000 people from the farms and another 3,400,000 of unshared people whose average income cannot cover the basic needs, it is clear that the workers have put ALL, even for others.

This can only occur in a society lacking all kinds of proper representation, even the gremial.

Family help and savings: Social Plans

Many of the Argentines, both dependent and independent workers, professionals, traders or art contractors or craftsmen come to cover their expenses for the month by resorting to the help of some direct family who pass by better circumstance or by consuming the savings obtained in other times.

Both sources of funding do not last forever and what is worse harms people's self-realization and self-esteem needs.

As for the proposals of the social plans offered by the State, many clash with the existence of formal employment, preventing the worker from accessing the benefits that has an unoccupied person. Although, in principle, it is reasonable to help those who lack employment, the wage circumstances of these times can generate distortions by putting at a disadvantage those who work. Situations such as these are very common in temporary work, such as some cyclical activities, such as agribusinesses, in which workers prefer to continue to charge unemployment plans which register as a possible employee.

Asisting the unemployed is an indelegable role of the State and society as a whole. However, the work problem must solve two questions simultaneously:

Promoting genuine job creation and making wages that workers perceive are sufficient to cope with family costs.

The description of the problems can easily infer what their causes were. The business crisis, mainly small and medium-sized enterprises, the result of wrong economic policies and confiscatory labour and fiscal legislations have reduced job demand. This led, therefore, to one on offer of workers willing to work every time for less, without adequate labor representation to contemplate both interests, employees and employers.

While the State is limited to watching with alms the parts that shout stronger, returning to the country in a conventillo griter in what “does not cry no breast and what does not afana is a gil”.

Undoubtedly the deepest gap is the one that occurred between those who made the adjustment and those who, for now, have been zafando.

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horacio gustavo ammaturo

horacio gustavo ammaturo

I am Gustavo Ammaturo. I have a degree in Economics. CEO and Director of infrastructure, energy and telecommunications companies. Founder and mentor of Fintech, DeFi and software development companies. Blockchain Product Designer.


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