The concept of abyss has several meanings according to the context in which it is used.According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, abyss may refer to:
- A great depth, imposing and dangerous, such as that of marine fossas, those of a crevice or those of a sima.
- An immense, insondable or incomprehensible incorporeal reality.
- An immense difference between people, ideas, situations, etc.
- Hell or place of eternal punishment.
- Lack of political representation, both in the current government, which is only supported by the imminence of its conclusion and what may arise after the second electoral round. It should be noted that each of the remaining candidates in a career has been rejected by more than 60% of the voters.
- Distrust, both within the fronts of the presidency and those who will remain as opposition. As a few times, the partisan internals and the ruptures of alliances between parties are displayed, with some as in a “savoid who can”.
- Opposed and extreme proposals. The proposals that are being scheduled as a possible country model for the future are, on the one hand, an omnipresent state with great intervention in the economy and private activity, being the main actor as a distributor of resources and opportunities, while on the other, a state in dissolution, which leaves in the hands of the private and better to place the supply and demand of goods and services, even those that may be essential.
- Reject and intolerance, are common denominators within spaces and among voters who are required to vote for those who consider less bad or by those who inspire less fear.
- Fear, anger, asco and sadness, are the emotions that dominate the citizens who are far from faith, joy and hope that should mean an electoral party, more than a burden. Abstention and ausentism were the real winners in these elections.
- Poverty and indulgence. Almost half of the Argentines are poor, that is, they lack the possibilities to meet basic needs of food, health, room and dress.
- Distorsive intervention. Most economic and social indicators intervened by public administration, tariffs, fuels, food, medicines are some of the goods and services in which there are delays in their prices. This produces two effects on the one hand the virtual increase of purchasing power of income and the other, desupply, decrease in quality and scarcity. What is not adjusted by price is adjusted by quality and quantity. It is impossible that someone who can leave a lost situation prefers to continue in it, except that they have no other possibility. Unfortunately, this is what happens to a large part of the employees, who do not have the option to leave and end up working for wages that they barely reach.
- Discretional and regressive distribution of income and wealth. It was in the discretionary hands of the state that they may have access to pay currencies to a third of what they are worth on the market, which have import licences, which receive such or which allowance.
- Indebtedness capacity in both foreign and local currencies. The abuse and misuse of resources from successive loans, restructures and non-compliance with payments have caused the Argentine public debt, which has not yet won, to be of value, that is, for obligations still incapis, or accordingly, the financial markets understand that they are taxable by our country. Something similar happens with the debt in local currency, which is only supported by investors who get other benefits in return. To this, we must add that we maintain an important debt with the IMF, so there could be limitations in the actions that a future government can implement.
- Inflation or hyper. In fact, it would be negligible to determine whether we are facing a phenomenon of high inflation or hyperinflation. The truth is that for times, many manufacturers and traders prefer to have the goods in stock instead of the money in the box. The expectation of price increases and costs makes only things that cannot be stocked are those that are sold, such as services and perishable products.