The transversality of the Environmental Question
If I say that the planet is in crisis, there are several thoughts that creep in people's heads. Some think of poverty, others in wars. Algunxs will focus on political crises and acephalian states, while others on global financial problems that plague powerful and vulnerable economies. In my case, leading to the climate crisis.Accent climatic extremes, food and water shortages, climatic inclemences arising from social and structural catastrophes, sea level accredited, high levels of pollution; these are some of the consequences of human activity on our planet.
In 1987, Report Presented in 1987 by the World Commission for the Environment and Development of the UN by Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland began to speak of “sustainability”: to be able to supply the present generations without compromising future generations to meet their own needs. Indicates the correlation between three dimensions: social, economic and environmental. Basically, the report talks about how environmental degradation is interwoven with poverty and social vulnerability.
So is there a relationship between the many existing crises of diverse nature and the quality of the biosphere and the environment?
We're in a new era of land. Just as there were different geological ages, we now find ourselves under a new terrestrial age paradigm: the convergence of man and the environment, the Antropocene. Acuñado in 2000 by the winnerNobel PrizePaul Crutzen, alludes to the changes that generated the human in the natural environment.So it is not necessary to observe the development, in any of its facets, of a different perspective? This is when Environmental Management comes into play.
This discipline is described by the government of the City of Buenos Aires as a tool to improve human relationships with your environment, so you should focus on preventing, protecting and solving environmental problems. In my case, I like to explain it as an administration of the resources and energy of terrestrial systems to enhance the full development of societies. Something like a business administration, but the natural environment.The implementation of Environmental Management in human activities is not an end in its own, but part of a process of continuous improvement of the productive activities or services that make societies. It can be managed from public entities to private entities, small or large companies, local producers or large farmers of the countryside, peoples and municipalities up to megacities. Environmental Management has the ability to cover any productive or disarroller process. It is an open and holistic discipline, which invites any professional to be part of, as the environmental dimension is cross-sectional to any study or methodology.
However, the substantial element to establish any management system that unifies human-social development and the natural environment is education and environmental awareness. It is from this point where the implementation of any strategy that encompasses the social, economic and environmental dimension can defend itself with certainty and conceptual clarity.
Alea (2006) points out that environmental awareness implies a system of experiences, knowledge and experiences that regulate interaction with the environment and according to the theory of subjective change. It is this awareness where the need for any entrepreneur or public manager to act in favor of the environment is born, and thus also boosting the other dimensions of development.
Current status
We made important progress in environmental management as a society. Since the inclusion of concepts in the last century, such as technological advances that allow to establish an increasingly healthy relationship with the environment and thus be able to provide us in a sustainable way. Establishing a relevant and coherent regulatory and legislative plan is the next important step for our society.In Argentina, the laws of Minimum Budgets with regard to waste and protection of natural areas are a great instrument to provide rulers with the tools necessary to become favorable to environmental care. The Fomento Laws, both in the energy area, with the Promotion of Renewable and biofuel Energies, as well as the promotion to the Conservation of Suelo, serve as a favourable regulatory framework for the development of sustainable technologies and practices.
In turn, the Escazú Agreement, which Argentina joined in 2020, was a milestone for Argentine society with regard to citizen participation and access to environmental information.
Therefore, in short, today the practice of Environmental Management requires, first of all, a marked and seated environmental awareness, followed by a legislative, regulatory and methodological framework that indicates the following steps. Thus, any area, company, emte and person, regardless of practice, has the obligation to act to achieve a healthy and balanced environment.
It is our responsibility, of the citizens, to demand to the rulers respect for the laws and to bring our grain of sand where it touches us to perform professionally, from education and awareness, and thus to carry out the tools we have at hand with decision.