7/11/2023 - politics-and-society

Natural Compatibility

By horacio gustavo ammaturo

Natural Compatibility

On Tuesday, July 4, 2023 may have been one of the warmest days on Earth in about 15,000 years. According to the National Center for Environmental Forecasting, which depends on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States, the record was reached: 17,18°.At the same time, this news shares the main headlines of newspapers with the information regarding the worrying lack of drinking water that affects our neighboring country, Uruguay, which after three years of drought lost reserves reaching many places to rationalize the use of the resource, which in these days lost the qualities for human consumption.Well known is the raised discussion about the truthfulness of natural phenomena and the urgency to take actions to mitigate and postpone the effects of the product climate change of the actions that men exert on the planet that negatively impact on nature.

This article will address the theme of a different perspective

One that puts both criteria in one place, as if they were the two sides of the same coin, those who preach actions in defense of climate change and those who describe that the phenomenon exists and that everything is a perverse and speculative scheme that takes advantage of believers to generate spaces of power and business.Millions of dollars are played annually on behalf of the environmental impact, global warming and care of the planet.Mostly, the funds allocated under the so-called “climatic market” are distributed among:1) Transition or transformation projects. Within this group we find multiple proposals ranging from changes in industrial processes, substitution of materials in constructions or decreased consumption of fossil fuels or non-renewable goods. Most of the investment in positive impact projects for the planet is intended for these issues and, paradoxically, the main beneficiaries of these programmes are those who pollute the most.The logic is to finance or subsidize polluters so they can stop doing so. It is the economic advantage that drives change.2) Environmental remediation projects. These proposals cover from the cleaning of contaminated water or land to the forest projects where trees are planted so that in the future they can be used to fix carbon in places where it has already worked, after enjoying the wood of species, generally, of lower speed in growth and higher natural value.In such cases, furniture also goes through economics, as remediations are often the result of judicial, administrative or media enforcement actions, while reforestation is a future business to then offer woods and derivatives.(3) Conservation programs. This type of investment is the one that has the lowest share in sharing despite being the one that is best positioned is about positive impact results, because they are immediate, in fact they are productive of themselves. Represented by all native forests, manglares, rivers, seas and oceans that allow to maintain balances regarding carbon fixation, biodiversity and water regulations.However, at the moment, financial models continue to discuss How to put price to something that has a lot of value. Therefore, while stalking, deforestation and the abusive use of natural resources continue to be more profitable in a world that is guided by economic and financial results, sometimes at the expense of natural and social.Those targeting funds in these projects are provident who really believe in the impact of natural resources in their original state, without human intervention, often investing in anonymous form and others through organizations that pursue reputational recognition.Except this last alternative, all the above, those who consider climate change to be a tale and those who take advantage of the fear of some to obtain funds and recognition, depart from the idea of man's supremacy above the rest of all natural species.The superior being that all that he does is well, that is, human activity has no impact on nature, that climate change is the product of earth's thermal cycles, as can be seen throughout his history, and that natural resources must be subordinated to the destinations that man defines, because he has learned to control them, whether they are animals or vegetables. Man can influence creation, growth and extinction, as it is a superior being.On the other hand, those who consider that they can positively influence through their transformation and transition actions, i.e., using less fossil fuels, or replacing paper messages with emails, for example, represent a role in the matter, something as if we want.In both extremes, this part of society, by action or by omission is believed to be superior to the natural, either as much as to explore it or as to protect it.Consider this as an element whose existence is to serve or as something that cannot be defended and we must protect.Instead, in this opportunity, I would like to incorporate a different view. One in which it is through the responsibility that brings the correspondence of the “subject superiority” we believe to have and is about respect.If we really understand that we are coabitants of the planet, along with the minerals, vegetables and animals, treat them with respect, it denies us of philosophical or moral discussion about who dominates or takes advantage of who.For this, any natural resource must have determined its relative value within the system.The developed world found in money one of the ways to express and compare the relative value of the goods and services offered.This is why it is necessary to find a representative mechanism so that virgin lands that contain millions of tons of carbon, which regulate water activity on our planet, which preserve biodiversity so that the life of man and his economic and social activities can develop in balance, constitute an asset with economic value, which can be measured to pay those who preserve and apply charges to those who use them.Of course the planet is a valuable asset, false is that it is the heritage of mankind, on the contrary, it is of all living beings that inhabit it. Therefore, if we really “revenge some space of superiority”, we must be humble enough to realize that we are The responsibility for dealing with natural capital.

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horacio gustavo ammaturo

horacio gustavo ammaturo

I am Gustavo Ammaturo. I have a degree in Economics. CEO and Director of infrastructure, energy and telecommunications companies. Founder and mentor of Fintech, DeFi and software development companies. Blockchain Product Designer.


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