Deforestation is a global problem. Forests and forests have been being razed for many years, due to various causes: the changes in land use due to the advancement of the agricultural frontier, the need for wood both for traditional timber uses and also for the production of coal, fuel widely used in developing countries, the growth of the population and the consequent housing needs, among other threats, are decreasing the forest cover of the land.
Argentina is among the 10 countries that have most dismantled in the last three decades.
But what is a forest?
In Argentina Law 26,331 of "Minimum requirements for environmental protection of the Native Forests"It understands how native forests to natural forest ecosystems in different conditions of development, of primary or secondary origin, which have an arboreal coverage greater than or equal to 20% with trees that reach a minimum height of 3 meters and a higher continuous occupation of 0.5 hectares.According to this definition, we have 536.545 km2 of native forests (the 19.2% of our continental surface).
What is the government of our country doing to protect them?
From the sanction of Law 26,331 the development of a territorial planning plan was entrusted to the provinces where the forests were divided into three categories:- ROJO, those areas with great importance in conservation that cannot be intervened
- AMARILLAS, those of importance, but may be subject to rational use, through authorization, and
- TRUE that has no conservation value and can be dismantled.
This NGO already takes 4 saved forests and participated in the process of creating the National Park El Impenetrable in Chaco and the annexation of Estancia Ricanor to the National Park The Glaciares.