8/1/2023 - politics-and-society

The Dark Reality of the Deep Web: the Pederastia

By daylu bermudez

The Dark Reality of the Deep Web: the Pederastia

Deep Web, unlike the World Wide Web (www) we use in our cotidianity, is an online space that is not accessible through conventional search engines, requires specialized software and technical expertise to access it. Inside the Deep Web is the Darknet which is an even darker and anonymous part of the network. It is in these depths where illegal activities proliferate, including sexual exploitation of minors.

Sexual crimes against minors in the web: a growing phenomenon that requires urgent attention

Crimes against child sexual integrity through deep web is a real fact in the country. A report published in 2019 by UFEM (Tax Unit Specialized in Violence against Women) of the Fiscal Prosecutor reveals a growing phenomenon that was previously more dissimulated, sexual abuse and corruption of minors are high within the category crimes represented in 88% in 2015, 90% in 2016, 92% in 2017 and 96% in 2018. This theme is debated by the intelligence bodies that are engaged in designing strategic programs in attention to eradicate child pornography. https://www.mpf.gob.ar/ufem/files/2019/10/Informe_UFEM.pdf

The pederast is catalogued as a heinous crime that causes irreparable harm to children; the pederasts find in the Dark Web and in the Darknet an environment conducive to their perpetuation.

Pedophiles and sexual criminals use these channels to share and distribute child porn material, organize human traffic networks and abuse minors in real time through live broadcasts. This reality is frightening and requires an urgent response from society as a whole.

Although Deep Web and Darknet are relatively small compared to the superficial Internet, their impact on child abuse is devastating. These platforms provide an anonymity degree that allows criminals to operate without being easily detected by authorities. Encryption and use of cryptocurrencies make it even more difficult to identify and monitor illegal activities.

Both pederastia and sextorão on the deep web are punished by the laws of the country; the latter sanctions itself as a crime of coercions with prison from 6 months to 3 years or fine from 12 to 24 months. From the social perspective, it describes a deplorable reality under the optics of human rights.

It is crucial to recognize that the responsibility to address this problem is not only the forces of order. Although authorities intensify their efforts to combat online pederastia, society as a whole must be involved. Internet service providers, technology companies and individual users must take proactive measures to report and prevent child abuse on the network.

This dark digital underworld feeds on pederasts. The existence of these illegal and anonymous spaces should be a call of attention to all of us. As a society, we must work together to combat these atrocities and protect the most vulnerable. Education, cooperation between authorities and the use of advanced technologies are essential to reduce the reach of online pederastia and ensure a safe environment in the digital world. Only through joint efforts can we eradicate these abominable practices and protect our children from online predators.

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daylu bermudez

daylu bermudez

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