1/31/2024 - Politics and Society

Social networks no longer enter, according to Gartner 2025 Report.

By daylu bermudez

Social networks no longer enter, according to Gartner 2025 Report.

It is unlikely to find a user under 35 who does not have a social network. Although, through the platforms, it is shared fun content, the Gartner 2025 report presents prognostics about the future of information revealing that users experience sense of disconnection with both content and social dynamics.

According to this study, more than 50% of respondents found that social networks suffered a deterioration. The preceding is supported by publication Marketing,Digital Marketing that emphasizes changes in user interactions with platforms. https://www.negro market. p/marketing/el-53-de-los-users-cree-that-the-redes-sociales-han-empeored second study/

Data forecasts and analyses for 2025 indicate that the main reasons that can cause many users to lose their sense of comfort when using their networks are the spread of incorrect information (68%), the presence of toxic conducts (68%) and the existence of false bots and profiles (57%).

Following this report, it is stated that 42% of participants in the survey recognize lack of original and quality content.

These numbers are significant and could choose to prescind numerous interactions on social networks. Another observable reality is that decreased the frequency of interactions and the Like button, compared to previous years. This button presents itself as a simple way of expressing approval for something, an idea or a person, concealing their real functions of data collection based on tastes, preference as well as, tracking and recording the actions of any user who visits a platform.

Social Networks: monotony entertainment?

Today, society experiences a transition and social networks are not alien to this phenomenon. However, new digital trends, data and its analysis are consolidated as the central element of new business strategies.

Social networks continue to be an attractive channel in the commercial process due to its communicative ease and one of the main areas of investment in digital marketing. However, it is interesting to note that there is a group of consumers who paradoxically seek to reduce their participation in these channels; it is essential to be aware of these behaviors, they can be transitory or definitive.

In this context, the data stands out as key drivers for those companies that seek to generate value from the information. Although the economic crisis has accelerated digital transformation, there are still challenges for many companies to transition to an approach data driven.

The following is relevant: Social networks like Facebook, Instagram, X and TikTok are free and attract users, in doing so, these generate valuable data that the platform can monetize through advertising. This dynamic suggests the need to maintain privacy and control of personal information in the digital environment.

If it is free, you are the product

This recognized expression gains relevance today, as a user's participation in these platforms can be influenced by the increased understanding and awareness. In other words, as the user acquires greater knowledge about the impacts of his publications, his interest decreases, thus contributing to the deterioration of the social media landscape.

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daylu bermudez

daylu bermudez

Hello, my name is Daylú, but they call me Day.

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