12/24/2022 - politics-and-society

License to kill

By horacio gustavo ammaturo

License to kill

1989: debut “Licence to Kill”, with the famous agent James Bond

The agents of the English intelligence service, the MI5, had permission to kill those who consider it necessary whether the security of their nation was at stake or in some cases, that of the world, placing them in a category other than citizens, on the one hand, or above the laws that regulate the activities of the rest of mortals.Coincidentally with the distribution of this film during the 1980s, the world began to create models to reduce the effects of greenhouse gas emissions which have a great influence on climate change affecting both economic and people. Credits and carbon designations were new concepts that gained popularity, especially among those who are the main responsible for the problem, because, in this way, the model of accepting or compensating for the consequences of environmental damage that some companies cause with their activities, “in some way can be solved”. As James Bond, who pollute on a large scale found his “licence to kill”, only that, unlike secret agents, they are allowed to kill the villains, in this case they can do it with anyone, without distinguishing race, color, religion or quantity. Certainly, human consequences are the most significant. However, in this document we will examine the economic results that the lack of financial policies and products of positive impact with life has had in recent years. According to the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), which includes all the National Environmental Information Centers, a U.S. national body in charge of registering and addressing severe weather and climate events in its historical perspective, EE. The U.S. has suffered 338 weather and climate disasters since 1980 when general damage and costs exceed $295 billion. However, on climate impact, borders only exist on maps. Environmental actions transcend the geographical limits, connecting the world by water, air and land, through products that travel from one region to another and from people moving between cities, so these numbers do not even begin to take into account the global ecological impact. Faced with the search for answers and policies that favour environmental actions, the market offered its in the form of carbon certificates and obligations, simplifying in this variable hundreds of benefits that land produces necessary for both life and business.The trade in carbon dioxide (CO2) has been largely ineffective to reduce real emissions. The only thing these markets look good at is to promote the unbridled growth of financial fraud by creating intangible assets for an increasingly exclusive group of traders.

How these models work

Imagine that there is an international market for murder, one in which the license to kill the spies of the films can be acquired by those who have enough money to buy it. Anyone can kill other people, as long as they comply with the quota of murders the government has established, something like that is the carbon designations. In addition, if, in one year, they have been authorized for murders without realizing, you can sell them at good price to another with needs to kill dissatisfied.Appropriations have transformed pollution into a transable right between polluters, overcoming fiction, because in this case the killing permits are transferable and costly.Even, the concept of carbon credits applied to compensation also verifies the same circumstance as, in large traits, it would be like transferring the credits that obtain those that produce life, for example, a mother when she brings a child to the world, for another can annihilate another person.That is, that carbon compensation represents a proportional relationship between those who maintain and improve environmental conditions and those who contaminate and consume.

Net Zero: seeks to balance births and deaths

Although this whole plan has seemed delusional, it describes through the example between life and death one of the ways in which markets faced the challenge of climate change.Clearly, the objectives of this proposal have not been met, however, companies, environmental risk qualifiers and carbon certificates run a business of nearly $100 billion a year.Carbon credits could not be as immediately devastating as these hypothetical homicide credits. But the final result remains the same: a market that perpetuates itself, which does not produce tangible assets and exists exclusively to create wealth and power for some while worsening things for all others.

Forests and forests continue to be dismantled and consuming

Markets must have an essential place in the transition to a decarbonized world, without this signifying greater benefits for major negative impact generators, on the contrary, the time has come to reward those who keep and punish polluters.To date, those who maintain virgin lands have been punished, because the price of this type of land is much lower than those intended for agricultural production or the development of urban projects.The climate markets of the near future will be more oriented towards the consideration of the services and provisions that lend nature in its purest expression, giving value to what it has, aiming to secure an eco-sethemic floor.

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horacio gustavo ammaturo

horacio gustavo ammaturo

I am Gustavo Ammaturo. I have a degree in Economics. CEO and Director of infrastructure, energy and telecommunications companies. Founder and mentor of Fintech, DeFi and software development companies. Blockchain Product Designer.


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