11/15/2023 - politics-and-society

Malos customers.

By horacio gustavo ammaturo

Malos customers.

The results of the last elections show that those who win will do so with the support of sectors that in some aspects are totally antagonistic.As a few times the expression “to betray a frog” finds a reason as right as to be used, for who is required to accept or bear a fact that generates fastidio, choose between two options that refuse.In great traits, those who arise as the next president will have just a little more or less than a third of the electorate, himself, something that conditions governance and forces to make alliances and concessions.On this occasion, it will be essential to set certain minimum standards with the consensus of all forces. Basic conditions that will serve both the most liberal and the most interventionist proposals.Argentina has entered a voragine of monetary, fiscal, regulatory and regulatory systems which, in some cases, contradict or shock each other. True planted sui generis and disruptive, which could only be thought of extreme and short-term situations.This delusional agglomeration of policies and norms led us to social disorder and, above all, to disorient in what are the incentives the country needs and its people.Common sense sticks. absent and postponed for fear or private interests.Let us repeat some of them:

Tax relief:

Debit and Credit Tax: This tribute, applied to banking operations, is an incentive to the use of cash, or to the so-called resumption of third-party checks, therefore, is a promoter of the marginal economy and the debanization.Perceptions of gross revenue: Similarly, the provincial entities take advantage of the bankruptcy operations to “manote” tax advances, the other being the reason to operate outside the formal payment system.Tax on profits: On interest paid by loans between private individuals outside the financial system, i.e. credit operations between private individuals. In this case, those who provide and perceive an interest must pay 30% tax on profits if it is a society or 35% if it is a physical person. Instead, if the state or the banks are borrowed, this alicuota is reduced to 0 depending on the case. The State competes in a disloyal way with private activity, punishing and encouraging credit among individuals, forcing intermediation or making it extremely costly. For these reasons there are also “blue” credits which are drawn between the parties and which do not tax.Extensive Income: By further punishing those who have pushed Argentina to finance private activity, our fiscal system rewards anyone who will or invest in foreign currency. If it's crazy, it's encouraged to get out of weight and save dollars. Those who acquire currency will be exempt from paying taxes on profits for the re-evaluation the currency has on the spot. Instead, the price update that the goods we purchased to sell are reached by the tax on profits, i.e. it can occur and is very frequent, the case in which a company sells its products at the most price of the purchase, should pay taxes on profits and lose silver, because, in fact, inflation is insufficient for its replacement.Inflation adjustment: Inflation is another tax rate that mainly affects those who have less, as suppliers of goods and services of first need have the possibility to adjust their prices at more speed and above projections, thus accelerates and increases the transfer of resources from the poorest sectors to corporations.In summary, tax incentives are inversely designed, because they put the State as the most appropriate debtor, in fiscal terms, directly encouraging private activity, punishing the banks, because the banks have become the crown collectors and the famous “corvas” in the “Robin Hood” that “do justice for those who have to go through the system”, the perceptions and advances that charge the nation and the provinces formally punishing labor in this way.Good guys. Multiple exchange rates reduce the tax burden of foreign currency transactions, accounting for the value of the official dollar, which covers almost to the third of which can be obtained in the parallel market, as well as saving in dollars will pay much less by tax on personal goods than those doing in local assets tied to the value of the weight.Social rise.The desire to progress, ambition and effort, so present in those seeking to occupy public positions, seem to be reserved exclusively for them, because the loss of purchasing power of wages and the permanent concessions and subsidies to those who lack employment have returned, in many cases, to work a moral issue more than a path to satisfying needs and desires. In Argentina there are formal employees, who work more than 8 hours a day poor. Far was the search for the social ascension product of those who work most perceives.Again, the incentives are invested, Those who speculate or act out of the law have better possibilities than those who put the tarp and work with effort.This reality is perhaps one of the most worrying, because when employment is no longer the best model of income distribution, training, study and learning, it loses attractive. Another incentive to align, which strive to learn must have greater opportunities. That is why waking up a change in the model that distributes opportunities rather than resources will be fundamental to the future of the country.International trade. One of the biggest distortions that exist in our country passes through multiple exchange rates that encourage all “arbitrage” rates among them generating opportunities for those who can discreally access the lowest and sell to the highest. On other occasions, it was observed that with this policy it would change the poor U.S. Federal Reserve if it sold its dollars unless the market is willing to pay.In view of the permanent lack of currency, Argentina proposes to pay little to those who generate them to sell them cheap to those who demand them, as a result The offer tends to zero and the demand to infinity.Incentives must be consistent, if there are no dollars, exports must be encouraged and to punish imports, at least those products which are superfluous or dispensable. It was criminal to dilapidar dollars to buy luxury goods such as high-end cars, planes or cruises so that they then lack currency for medicines or materials needed to produce.These are just some of the issues where the ruling class, the old caste or the new caste, should wake up to order the incentives.Taxes can serve as a motor for development and investment if rules are proposed that differ the long-term investment burden or if savings are rewarded in local currency to the detriment of the foreigner.All workers must receive enough money to meet their needs and the state must ensure that empowerment and effort constitute the path to safe social ascent.To align incentives, in addition to returning to society more predictable and orderly, will be an excellent business for the stateConsequently, the new conditions will promote new formal workers, entrepreneurs, educators, in summary, more and new contributors, is to say more and new customers for this big business that is the state, if on the contrary, they are on this path of disorder, disincentive and discrectionality, monetary emission will become the main source of public funding.Those who want to progress will find other paths and will be only opportunists or in need of ambition, bad clients.

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horacio gustavo ammaturo

horacio gustavo ammaturo

I am Gustavo Ammaturo. I have a degree in Economics. CEO and Director of infrastructure, energy and telecommunications companies. Founder and mentor of Fintech, DeFi and software development companies. Blockchain Product Designer.


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