7/11/2022 - politics-and-society

We, the Argentine people

By lucia yaryura tobias

We, the Argentine people

“We, the people”, thus begins the preamble to the Constitution of the United States. These three words may go unnoticed, but they are the basis of the whole document, for it establishes to whom it belongs. The Constitution is of the people; it is the people who have the power and decide how the United States will be organized.In his last speech since the oval office, Ronald Reagan referred to everything these three words mean by sustaining that: " We the people” tell the government what to do, not on the contrary. “We are the driver and decided where to go, why way, and at what speed. Our Constitution is a document where “we the people” tell the government what it can do. “We the people” are free.Our National Constitution does not start like this. Although we have used as a reference the American precedent, the preamble of the Argentine Constitution begins with “Our representatives of the Argentine people”. The central idea is the same: the people are who have the power; however, those who decide how to organize our country and consecrate the basic rights that have this people are our representatives.The words were not written randomly, they were chosen. The preamble to our Constitution has a meaning and a reason to be, and choose to establish that they are the representatives who draft it, too.Many years ago, many of our representatives think that it is they who “give us” our rights – which today seem benefits – and that it is they who can establish how it works, develops and organizes our country without considering what it wants and needs the Argentine people. It is important, then, to remember that it is us, the Argentine people, the headlines of this power and that we decided to delegate it to our representatives so that they enjoy in view of the common good.We, the Argentine people, belong to power. We, the Argentine people, are those who represent and therefore who must think about the time to govern. We, the Argentine people, chose them to occupy the positions they hold. We, the Argentine people, are.The note can also be read on the page changeyfuera. with.ar

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lucia yaryura tobias

lucia yaryura tobias

Hi, I'm Lucia Yaryura Tobias and a law study at the University of Buenos Aires. I am passionate about learning, learning new cultures and discussing current events. I write to make my opinions and experiences known and to enrich myself with the returns of others.
In my free time I play football, I read, and I spend time with family.
I work in the Office of the Ombudsman, I participate in competences of international law, I am a student of the CPO. What I write reflects who I am, so I invite you to read my notes.

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