11/8/2023 - politics-and-society

What were the Oslo agreements between Israel and Palestine?

By lucia lago krummer

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Imagen de portada

The Oslo agreements were a series of agreements signed by the authorities of the State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the presence of Isaac Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister and Yasser Arafat, leader of the PLO and sought to offer a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that had several decades.On September 13, 1993, both leaders were met by U.S. President Bill Clinton in the White House to sign the "Statement of Principles on Interim Self-Government Agreements”, as was known at that time to the Oslo Agreements.

Results of the agreements

Product of these agreements arose “Palestine Authority”, which would obtain authority to govern, in a limited way, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Both territories were occupied by Israel, who had occupied them after the Six-day war in 1967. In addition, a mutual recognition between Israel and the PLO.Another important aspect of the Oslo Agreements was the question of Palestinian refugees. From that moment on, many exiled Palestinians, including Arafat, could live in Gaza and West Bank.

Having regard to the negotiations

However, in order to achieve these agreements, there was a lack of a process of negotiations which began after the Madrid Peace Conference 1991. After this conference, where Israeli, Palestinian and other Arab diplomats met, Israeli politician Yossi Bellin began contacting members of the PLO. This approach was followed by a series of secret negotiations between representatives of the State of Israel and the PLO in the city of Oslo, the capital of Norway.

Final reflections

At 30 years of signing these agreements many wonder why their failure. In part, this could be due to the fact that the agreements intended to be a kind of transition to a permanent peace plan which should be implemented within five years. However, in the years that followed both leaders died: Rabin murdered by an Orthodox Israeli citizen, while Arafat died in France because of a cerebral hemorrhage, according to official sources.

After the brutal terrorist attack suffered by the State of Israel in the hands of the Hamas group, the possibility of an agreement is virtually void. However, the Oslo agreements will remain in memory as the example of a possibility of peace.

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lucia lago krummer

lucia lago krummer

I am a student of International Relations and Political Science at the University of Belgrano. I am passionate about issues related to international policy, diplomacy and human rights.

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