9/30/2022 - politics-and-society

Who am I? How to use time for your favor and not walk forward and back

By enrique tourvel

Who am I? How to use time for your favor and not walk forward and back

The title seems ambitious. Yeah.

Definitely the goal is not that the reader glimpses his self-knowledge through reading a thousand words in an internet article, but to synthetically establish certain concepts and eventual solutions to the game of time, the prevalence of traumas, the construction of identity and the correct use of the past.

The individual and the circular time

Imagine the third person standing on a horizontal timeline. You, static in the middle, represent the present, to your right lies the future and to your left the past. Now the past has some marked points and the future too. These points are moments that have strong silence in building our identity. Why are they also present in the future? Because most people pass through the course of life believing that they are a direct consequence of their past traumas and, by not having any desire for change - or being seeking the wrong paths -, these unsolved traumas re-present in the future, usually through increasingly notorious events. In this sense Freud said that "the pain has nothing to teach those who do not find the courage and the strength to hear it".

Thus the circular time is generated. The line we had visualized begins to close and we began to see ourselves running on the wheel of the hamster, because "if indeed the suffering of this lessons, the world would be populated only of wise," Freud said.

And so we spend life, as the hamster in his wheel, mining ahead, but going back.

Microtrauma and macrotrauma

But why does it cost us so much to review, work with the traumas and really learn from the lessons disguised from people or events that follow us repeating life? It is simple: because it is uncomfortable. It is bothersome to really stick in emotional intimacy and have to fight an extensive horde of ghosts. Jung, Freud's successor, said in this sense that "one does not illuminate imagining figures of light, but consciously making darkness. This last process, however, is unpleasant and therefore unpopular.”

Robin Sharma ranks trauma in microtraumas and macro-traumas. Micro-traumas are events that we remember, but they don't really shape our identity and way of behaving, while macro-traumas are those events that somehow define the course of our life and the formation of our fears and our personality.

The macro-traumas are what we destroy or lack of interest in taking healthy relationships or are attracted to promote toxic relationships, since, as it says Sharma " Traumatized people don't know what's healthy and, although it seems a lie, a lifestyle full of dramatism seems safer to them than a quiet one, because it's more familiar to them" and also establishes a direct relationship with all types of additions (forgetting, social networks, drugs, spending more, etc.). Meanwhile, without solving these macrotraumas, we continue living life backwards.

The power of thought. How to shape our identity without being subject to the past. A neurological look.

Although the different schools of the psychology sciences have given different remedies and solutions to the brands of the past in the present and future of individuals, then I will develop a lot - but very - briefly what proposes the quiropractic and biochemical Joe Dispenza in much of his work.

Dispenza develops a scientific theory through which we can change our identity (even our body and our health) by modifying our thoughts, this obviously includes achieving a future that is not segnated by the events, traumas and decisions of the past.

It begins by saying that all our thoughts and feelings come from the memories of the past. When the same thoughts and feelings are repeated creates aattitude, when attitudes are repeated we can generate abelief and, lastly, when we repeat the same belief for years, aperception.Las Vegas attitudes They are states of the short being, can change quickly and are floating, can last for hours, a couple of days and even have completely disimilar attitudes within the same day.

Las Vegas beliefs are more lasting thoughts and feelings, are repeated attitudes and begin to generate an emotional conditioning in the brain and in what we consider our identity. Beliefs are difficult to modify. Dispenza explains that if you have the same feelings based on past experiences and feel the same as you felt when you occurred, you are conditioning the body to be subconsciously the mind of this emotion and to be living unconsciously in the past.

Las Vegasperceptionsare linked directly to whom you think you are and have to see unchangeablely with the decisions and conducts you manifest and with the relationships I have chosen and the realities you believe.

The only way not to keep walking forward, but going back is to change your beliefs and perceptions to change your state of being. Dispenza explains that it is necessary to see the old and limited beliefs as what they are -records of the past - and to be willing to abandon them to accept other new ones and to create a future according to what we want to be and with what we believe to be predestined for.

Finally, it should be noted that there are several ways studied to overcome the conditionings of the past so that life does not again bring the lessons not learned to the present and future. Without prejudice to this, the gaze of Dispence to be madeconscious of the unconscious erasing noise and really looking inside, with the only end of generating a change in thought, is new and possesses - to my judgment - a perfect relationship between the more than 150 years of psychological sciences and the neurological advances of the current century.

For greater abundance (there is much to read) recommend reading " The placebo is you" Joe Dispenza and any work of this author, Carl Jung, Freud, Robin Sharma, Eckhart Tolle, among many others.

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enrique tourvel

enrique tourvel

Hi, I'm Enrique Tourvel, a lawyer with public law guidance. Currently I perform in the Judiciary of the Nation - Fuero Comercial. Professor of General Elements of Commercial Law and Societies at the University of Buenos Aires.
Specialized in corporate law.

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