9/10/2024 - politics-and-society

The Attorney General's Office of Mexico "Proactive?"

By Poder & Dinero

The Attorney General's Office of Mexico "Proactive?"

Jesús Daniel Romero, former Intelligence Officer of the United States Navy, author of the Amazon best seller "The Final Flight: The Queen of the Air" for Poder & Dinero and FinGuru

The Attorney General's Office of Mexico "Proactive?"


It seems that the Attorney General's Office of Mexico is very proactively involved in searching for clues that may link the United States directly to the transport of El Mayo to the United States. The FGR and Andrés Manuel López Obrador only want to find a solution to point to the big, ugly, imperialist capitalist monster from the north and show how it violated Mexico's sovereignty. However, Mexico has not made any public offers in aid of Justice. After all, all drugs from Mexico lead to the United States. AMLO lacks fundamental morality because he is compromised and wants to divert any clues away from himself.


In 2019, a Gulfstream jet N939RR, registered in the United States, flew from MEXICO to VENEzuela where it loaded 2,527 kilograms of cocaine worth $64.3 million. The aircraft was loaded in Venezuela with the permits and support of "El Cartel de los Soles." The plane flew north of Petén, Guatemala, near the border with Campeche, Mexico. Following a shootout between the narcos and the Guatemalan Army, the narcos were detained and 2,572 kilos of cocaine were seized. The pilot was a Costa Rican citizen who had been a member of Costa Rica's law enforcement, and one of the Mexican citizens receiving the cocaine on the ground was Miguel Acosta González, director of Civil Protection of the municipality of La Candelaria in Campeche. As with most air cases in Guatemala, the judge soon released all suspects related to this case and sent them back to their countries.


After hundreds of these cases involving tons of cocaine delivered from Venezuela, Mexican President Manuel López Obrador acted by severely restricting DEA agents from conducting investigations, denying official visas, restricting the flights of DEA aircraft in the country and demanding that the DEA share all its cases with Mexico. Meanwhile, government officials, including the FGR, had been working with known suspects, including an aircraft broker like Michael Assad Marcos, who exported the famous King Air N44JN from the United States to Mexico. My book "Final Flight: Queen of Air," my co-author and I, Steve Tochterman, provide extensive details on the nefarious activities of Michael Marcos and how this empire was dismantled.


In the end, Manuel López Obrador was aware of the hundreds of planes used by Mexican and Venezuelan cartels flying freely in and out of Mexico and did very little to stop the air bridge of cocaine between Venezuela and Mexico.


AMLO's actions speak louder than his words. He used the FGR as a weapon as an extension of Mexican cartels in the name of sovereignty versus justice.


And Morena (National Regeneration Movement, AMLO's political support) directly benefited and was partly funded by the billions of drug dollars resulting from the cocaine air bridge.

Jesús Daniel Romero was commissioned through the Navy's Enlisted Program, graduated with honors from Norfolk State University, and earned a degree in Political Science. Thanks to his academic achievements, he was able to choose the path of intelligence. He studied aviation and then entered intelligence school. He was assigned to an A-6 Intruder squadron, a tactical bomber that operates from an aircraft carrier USS America, on which he traveled to Bosnia, Iraq, and Sudan.

He then commanded an intelligence unit in Panama, working for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), overseeing tactical equipment analysts in Central and South America, and Mexico. He worked at an intelligence center in Hawaii as a China watch officer, monitoring the military activities of the Asian country.

After retiring from the Navy, Romero was a defense contractor for North American Division of British Aerospace Systems (BAE) in Washington, D.C., and also for Booz Allen Hamilton in Miami.

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