2/12/2024 - politics-and-society

Tucker Carlson and the monologue of Vladimir Putin

By Jose Daniel Salinardi

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A prominent journalistic production, but without the expected informational results. Was it just an interview? Or did Putin want to send a message?

Since its controversial departure from Fox News, the popular presenter has generated three journalistic mass convocation events, where participants count for tens of millions, which can still be seen through their X account (ex Twitter) and their web "The Tucker Carlson Network".

The first was an interview with former President Donald Trump, who was recorded to issue on the same day (23 August 2023) and at the same time the first debate between the presidential candidates of the Republican party. It was a success since his announcement, since, although Trump had been able to be present in the debate, he decided not to participate and ironically stated that "he would look on television to see if among the participants there was one who qualified to accompany him as vice president". Trump in pure state. The X hearing outperformed Fox News, in charge of broadcasting the Republican political event, and Carlson began to savor his "vention" against his former employer.

In September 2023, Javier Milei, then a candidate for President of Argentina for the Advanced La Liberdade party, which by its proposals and personality became a political figure of international transcendence. And it still is. Milei is today the president of his country and the interview is considered to be the “most view of history”, surpassing even Donald Trump, by whom the Argentine president declared his admiration in repeated opportunities. The former president of the United States also made public his support to Javier Milei, with an affectionate greeting published on social networks when he met his second round triumph over the official candidate of Kirchnerism, Sérgio Massa, in the presidential elections held in Argentina in November 2023.

A few days ago, on Thursday, February 8 more precisely, and after months of a silent work of organization, Carlson again surprises with a shocking interview. Nothing but the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. The enigmatic figure of the Russian agent, the multiple accusations and suspicions that have him as the protagonist, the war with Ukraine and the relationship with the United States, among other matters, caused the hearing to be counted by millions again. But although Carlson's previous achievements with Trump and Milei are unquestionable, this time does not appear to be the same.

More than an interview, he was a Putin monologue, where Carlson could occasionally intersect some sentence or question, which were immediately cut by the Russian, which I manage the meeting with a journalistic master's degree. Many readers may not agree with us in this appreciation, but there are two prominent international publications that have marked their doubts about the Carlson interview.

The Economist, for example: "Tucker Carlson couldn't take long to understand that his interview with Vladimir Putin might not leave as planned. ?

" His first question was about the threat posed for Russia to NATO and the United States. The president's response was a long disquisition of the medieval reign of Yaroslav, the Sabio and the depredations of the Mongol horde. ?

"Putin gave the impression of being one of these chiflades that obsess with an arkan fragment of history, except that his obsession (Russia's historical claim on Ukraine) is supported by a nuclear arsenal. ?

We added that the first response to what The Economist refers to lasted about 20 minutes about a two-hour interview.

The Financial Times was a bit beyond questioning in one of his columns: "Tucker Carlson: is he a useful idiot of Putin?" "Vladimir Putin and his allies played key themes loved by the right American trumpet, such as opposition to abortion and hostility to the LGBTQ "propaganda". ?

? Russian President and Tucker Carlson share some of the same allies, writes Gideon Rachman, head columnist of International Affairs of the prominent British journal.

When they began to know the versions about the possibility of this interview being held, many analysts and media believed to see behind the organization the figure of Donald Trump. Now they ratify him. If we accept that Putin's responses were sincere (Hummm...), his statements on how William Billton closed Russia the entrance to NATO, his refusal to answer the question about the possibility of an invasion of Poland, the already mentioned opposition to abortion and his ideas contrary to the LGBTQ movement, quite close him to the postulates of the American right. But the real key seems to be in a question that Putin asks Carlson: “Why do American soldiers have to fight in Ukraine? Don't you have anything better to do?

A key issue at a time when the U.S. Congress discusses the continuity or not of economic and military aid to Ukraine, which finds its most firm opposition in the Republican party.

In high politics, nothing is said for you. Putin invented this question and approached even more of those who reject U.S. participation in the conflict in Europe. How many coincidences could not be the starting point for dialogue if there was a change of political signal in the US government from November? Is Putin sending a cryptic message through Tucker Carlson? Thus, the Financial Times classification of the journalist's figure would only point to an impact holder, since the recognition of his columnist on the existence of common allies between Carlson and Putin can only lead to Donald Trump. And Tucker would have done a great job.

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Jose Daniel Salinardi

Jose Daniel Salinardi

Jose Daniel Salinardi is a Certified Public Accountant graduated from the School of Economics of the University of Buenos Aires.


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