6/16/2023 - Politics and Society

We are traveling

By finguru

We are traveling

Digital nomads now have their place on We Are Travelers!

Digital nomads are a constantly growing community of people who work remotely as they travel around the world. However, they often face unique challenges in terms of accommodation, transportation and connectivity. That's why the arrival of We Are Travelers is so important to this community.We Are Travelers is a platform that offers nomadic solutions for digital nomads. From flexible accommodation to services and connectivity, We Are Travelers perfectly fits the changing needs of digital nomads.

What is we are travelers and what are their goals

We are travelers is a company that has collivings and own departments that aims to host and create a global community of young professionals and digital nomads. Inviting with similar people who have common interests, it is essential to generate new links, which will help our guests to have a unique experience when enjoying and knowing the City of Buenos Aires.In the labor world, teamwork is fundamental, so they have cowork spaces in which guests can let their creativity flow and motivate each other. They promote inclusion and diversity, so respect for each other and their different cultures is very important.We are travelers also aim to be a sustainable company, to create a green future and generate positive impacts in the world.

Invite with related people

In We are travelers we believe in the magic of living surrounded by people who share our way of thinking about work, study and progress. Here you will find a community that encourages your dreams and challenges to grow and inspire us to give the best of ourselves. Together, we create an environment where success and personal achievement charge life.

Diversity and inclusion

In we are travelers we celebrate diversity and promote inclusion in all corners of the world. We are proud to create a welcoming and respectful environment for all our guests, where every history and every culture are a unique experience.


In we are travelers, our passion for travel is in perfect harmony with our commitment to sustainability. We believe that every decision counts and that we can make a difference while exploring the world. Sumate to us on this trip to a greener future and found out how each choice can have a positive impact.


You can discover the true value of working with others and the power of collaboration that creates inspiration in the seminar. For us, teamwork is the key to success in the current labor world.


In we are travelers, we dedicate ourselves to creating a global community of digital nomads and young professionals. Based on our values of diversity, inclusion, promoting sustainability and enjoying the magic of Buenos Aires while living with related people.In short, if you are a digital nomad that seeks flexible and adaptive solutions for your unique needs, look no further than We Are Travelers. This platform is designed specifically for you and will help you make the most of your digital nomadic lifestyle. Join today!Visit our Instagram profile for more information! https://www.instagram.com/wearetravelershouse/

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Media of Social Digital Information

We seek to focus on the experience of the user and on the rapid and strong interaction with social networks, as well as on entertainment. Looking to position ourselves as a digital medium but on the edge to be a social platform.


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