Innovation translates into the futuristic service that offers Chatizalo. More and more people, entrepreneurs and companies incorporate this kind of solutions to everyday life and daily operations to solve tasks.Mostly, it focuses on the automation of tedious tasks that sometimes occupy much of our time, but that do not require such an intellectual effort. And since time is the most valuable good we have humans, it is a key tool to streamline response, communication and query flow processes.Chatizalo has a mission and a vision that does not seek to replace the human being, but all the tasks that can be developed by a virtual assistant, be it, so that people can focus on more specialized jobs and for which greater accuracy is needed.The specialization and evolution of human development have no limits, and that is why we need the help of technology to cover the tasks that occupy us long without a beneficial performance for personal, professional or business growth.The solution is to capitalize on this time, make it efficient to improve the response channels and the solution of simple questions.“Chatizalo is a platform that enhances the WhatsApp service for e-commerce. We offer custom and efficient chatbots to improve customer experience in your business. Our service is based on the official API Go and use the power of OpenAI GPT to provide detailed and contextualized answers about your products and services. With Chatizalo, you can optimize your interactions and bring your customer service to a new level”You can exemplify with the use of social networks to resolve customer queries of brands and ventures or followers comments for influencers or media. Automate answers with valuable information so that contact is more frequent and direct, as it has artificial intelligence tools that understand the natural language in text and audio of whatsapp.These qualities can be retrained to improve engagement, increase sales and solve problems in an infinite way. And the best, is that the Chatizalo virtual assistant, can be customized to adapt to the way to speak and communicate the brand, company or person who decides to use it, creating a more personal and unique experience between the emitter and the message receiver.Customer service in B2B or B2C business, and even internal communication of companies that tend to resolve queries of their own employees, can be much simpler thanks to Chatizalo. You can use it as a seller, customer service or commercial support for 24h of the day goods and/or services companies!To learn from: where there is a bath, how to solve a problem or who to resort within a company to perform certain activities; everything can be solved by the Chatizalo bot.The conversations evolve and reach another level thanks to this kind of technology and we cannot stay out.We invite you to believe in your own chat experience. and tell him what it looked like.
1/15/2024 - Technology and Innovation
Chatizalo has arrived to facilitate and streamline everyone's life with Artificial Intelligence applied to e-commerce
By finguru
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We seek to focus on the experience of the user and on the rapid and strong interaction with social networks, as well as on entertainment. Looking to position ourselves as a digital medium but on the edge to be a social platform.
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