In the first months of 1912, the great inventor, Italian physicist and genius, creator of the radio, Guglielmo Marconi, received an invitation from the Electric Society of America to give a conference in New York on April 16 of that year, according to his biography his best friend and right hand, Luigi Solari.
The White Star Line invites you to travel to New York at Titanic on the first trip of this huge British navy ship. They had reserved a magnificent room and all the comforts. They only put one condition: they could promote the presence of the great Marconi at Titanic. The Italian genius in those years traveled around the world developing his experiences on radio frequencies, and already 1909 won the Nobel Prize in Physics, the first Italian in history in winning the prestigious award.
Marconi at a first time accepted, but a few days later, changed his mind and chose to travel on another ship, the Louise. According to his biography, the reasons were linked to his personality and his work routine.
It would be very useful to answer all the letters that came to him, and at Louisitana offered him an assistant who was going to occupy this theme during the trip. The Louise with Marconi on board traveled from Europe to New York two days before the Titanic.
On the morning of April 15, 1912, the first news of the Titanic collision began to arrive with an iceberg and dramatic consequences. In a few hours, everyone who had happened. One of the few good news was the more than 700 passengers who were saved thanks to the intervention of some ships such as Carpathia and Olimpic, which were contacted thanks to the wireless telegraph invented by Marconi. In New York, they gave him a gold medal and there were celebrations around the world because thanks to his invention, so many lives were saved.
Marconi, in fact, in his conversations the following days, expressed a sadness linked to the fact that a ship passed near the Titanic before Carpathia, but could not receive the Titanic aid requests because it did not have a radio on board.
Already in the early years of the 20th century, a competition between cable communication and radio frequencies began. Today, more than a century later and with different uses, we continue looking for the perfect integration something that the 5G promises.
The Titanic episode and the use of the telegraph invented by Marconi to save some of the passengers tells us, as man's inventions have always improved and evolved societies, but have always needed and need the attention and common patterns of use and implementation.
A major current challenge about the advances of technology, and in particular about Artificial Intelligence (especially the so-called Artificial Super Intelligence), is that its use is for the positive impact on the evolution of man and society.
For this reason, in 2017, the Future of Life Institute was born, on the initiative of the Swedish physicist at the MIT of Boston, Max Tegmark, and with the support and funding of personalities such as Elon Musk, Larry Page, Jaan Talinn. This institute is engaged in financing and promoting academic projects around the world for the development of AI security models, starting by capturing the attention of society on this fundamental world theme, which perhaps represents the most important challenge of the coming years.