5/9/2023 - technology-and-innovation

Pyramid shooters now dress up as “cryptoinversionists”

By el lobo felix

Pyramid shooters now dress up as “cryptoinversionists”

The cryptoworld is an oasis for fraud!

Yeah. Such a technical ecosystem, where complex terms are left, and whose main perception is that a lot of silver is made, is fertile ground for the groves of all time.In fact, the cryptoworld brings together two ideal qualities for these unscrupulous characters to fool you into their name:
  1. It is something new and fashion, which certainly does not know and which, at first sight, seems very complex.
  2. It's an area where you can make a lot of money. Although you do not know how.
With this pair of ingredients, the crooks have how to move all their marketing apparatus to seduce and lead to their business model, which never has to do with the very nature of cryptocurrencies or their derivatives.And with this point I want to mark clear distance between those we teach about the real purpose of the cryptoworld and those who appropriate the concepts of cryptocurrencies to sell business models that are bond.For this note, I will focus only on one of so many, but one you certainly heard: Pyramidal business.

It's pyramidal!

The term “pyramidal neck” is widely used by people, but probably few have sat down.The reference of a pyramid in this type of business comes from the known Ponzi scheme. This is a system where the only way to generate money consists of attracting new members to your network, which does not involve the sale of a product or service or which, if you do, is in the background.The logic of this type of business is that while more people arm their team of recruiters and these in turn their own equipment, more investors will reach the deal with more money for the initial promoters of it.Therefore, there is always an exponential growth in the lower levels that are created. But this is sustainable until teams stop recruiting new people. That's where the pyramid collapses. The bobo is evidenced!Pyramid business is different from multilevel business. In the latter, there is a company that sells products or services and that gives you the opportunity to win commissions for selling them.In a multilevel system everything revolves around the sale of the product or service. Hence the income that keeps your affiliates, which in turn can create a network of contacts that buy them and can also win for their sales or recommendations.Honestly the difference between a pyramidal and multilevel system is very lean. That is why several fraud firms remain active in the law of countries. Finally, both business models need more and more people to make money. Only in the multilevel the focus is to sell products or services.However, the sale of products or services is not a sufficient sign for you to take any form of making money that offer you over the internet. Many pyramidal schemes use products or services as an excuse to promote their true business: attracting people.

How do you make money?

There is a maximum that does not fail and that I apply until today: if most of the revenues of the business model (at least 51%) comes from recruiting new people and not from selling products or services, you are facing a pyramidal scheme.Why? Because if you join the business, your effort, energy and time will be primarily intended to do exactly what is done in a pyramidal system: Making money for the accumulation of people.Of course, the sect of vigons of these pyramidal systems will deny with their life that they are part of a pyramid. But the lie becomes evident when they ask how they generate most of the income their victims promise.“Does that matter? Do you want to understand or make money?”, they will tell you many of them. Of course, the way I make money is fundamental. At least for me. I am from the group that believes that money must be the consequence of generating value for the other; not the reward of the most “living”.The pyramidal business becomes evident when they promise the trilled “financial freedom” by getting a fixed amount of passive revenue (600, 1,000, 5,000 dollars monthly). But these constant numbers can only be reached with the creation of “work equipments” and not by the management of the supposed products that say sell so that you make money (trading, NFTs, cryptocurrencies, metaverse...).Or how do you think these stunning titles of “Chairman 6000”, “Aquaman Platinum” or “Supersayayín 3000”? Simple. You have to create sales equipment of 10, 100, 1000... All the people you can put in business!In the name of the financial freedom you want is that they seduce to take your business promoting lies. Because it is probably in his persuasive speech where his most infamous values are evident.

The modus operandi

Usually these recruiters are approached by social networks, where they show themselves as digital entrepreneurs, independent and protagonists of a luxury life that anyone would like to have.Your content always focuses on your “negot”. Your publications show your “businesses” making money every day and are constantly inviting you to say yes to the “life of your dreams”.However, the formula of this dream life is so secret that it does not reveal itself until you accept an invitation to an exclusive class by Zoom or to a mega meeting in a luxurious hotel where you will watch all of these “ganadores” of the business.And what do these people do to win? Because they say they are entrepreneurs who handle the secrets of the success of the last digital business. Make sure they are vatcinating the future and taking advantage of the opportunities that ordinary people cannot see.What are these opportunities? The ones that bring very revolutionary technologies, but that most only use to speculate and take silver from the ignorant: cryptocurrencies, blockchain, NFTs, DeFi, Metaverse... Anything futuristic fits them. It's all right.I say it because these same recruiters who today are sold as experts in the cryptoworld, for less than 3 years were sold as experts in the Forex market, in binary options and the whole arsenal of a trader.In fact, it is so convenient to adapt digital business trends that it is normal that they change from one company to another, but they and their leaders are always the same. Or better the same lie, but with new name?I know several people who have ever been in a pyramidal business. The adrenaline that drove them into an event full of “goers” faded so early when they realized that if they really wanted to make money, they had to tie more people. So they played selling lies or nothing.The most amazing of these fraud systems is their ability to reinvent themselves, creating vitrinal products or services to jump the sanctions of the law and shape their offer to the new fashions that will appear year after year under the name of other companies.Since cryptocurrencies are the last digital business boom (for reasons I have already explained), it was a matter of time that pyramid companies took part in this market. And as usual, they do it very hard.Their arrival to this market not only allows them to perpetuate their historical nefarious thefts, but stains the name of a technology that has reasons to give real solutions to humanity.The purpose of the cryptoworld has nothing to do with the frauds, but the shooters will continue to use as a means to propagate their intentions. Knowing to differentiate one thing from another, it will save many frustrations.Finally, there is neither good nor bad technology. There's only good and bad using technology....
Do you want to learn more about the cryptoworld and digital business? I invite you to see all my content, courses and classes in my Instagram account @elder_man

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el lobo felix

el lobo felix

I'm a training journalist and entrepreneur for conviction. I have more than 6 years of experience as content creator and marketing consultant in social media, marketing agencies and other companies.

I am an investor and user of cryptocurrencies for 4 years and have collaborated with different companies related to the cryptomund:

Cointelegraph, the leading international media specialized in cryptocurrencies.

Ibiza Token, a cryptocurrency project to improve tourism in Ibiza.

Ziktalk, a Korean social network that pays its users with cryptocurrencies.

Let ́sBit , an Argentine exchange to invest in cryptos.

Buda.com, the safest exchange of cryptocurrencies in South America.

Today my great passion is to educate people of all ages and countries about the cryptoworld and digital business. I learn every day and teach it through my channels like @ElLoboFelix. My purpose is to explain digital business in a simple and practical way so you can find out how you can be freer.

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