5/16/2023 - Technology and Innovation

User Experience in Game Development: Approach to Emotion and Jugability

By veronica pilar jordan

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Recently, they commented on a promotion program for the development of video games in the field of knowledge economy. This experience led me to write about the User Experience (UX) design focused on developing video games. In this note, I will share knowledge and experiences about this fascinating field.

In the context of video game development, UX plays a key role in creating immersive and attractive experiences for players. Video game development teams are worth several research methodologies, to understand in depth the emotions of players and thus ensure an exceptional gaming experience.

It should be remembered that video games are a product that correspond to a multisensorial experience that involves players both physically and mentally through interaction with screens, or buttons, and the mechanics and rules of the game. This is why designers use UX to ensure that usability, accessibility and ergonomics are satisfactory, and not in a gameplay problem for the player.

Understanding Player Emotions

A good UX design can evoke powerful emotions. For example, the sound of a reward, the lighting of the game environment and background music can establish the mood of the scene. These elements help to create the game plot and emotional connections with the user.

Emotional connections are stronger than any other element of the game and keep the player engaged for a long time. Therefore, it is not enough that the game has well established rules and perfect mechanics if it does not generate emotions in the players' brain. There is nothing better than generating a game that results in a significant experience for the player, and that at the same time is satisfying in terms of their gameplay.

Collecting Data on Real Players

To ensure that games are up to target audience expectations and preferences, data is collected and analyzed through comprehensive testing with real players, and detailed feedback collection, valuable information on player behavior, game preferences and the challenges they face is obtained.

This data is used to make informed decisions, which allow you to improve the gameplay, adjust the difficulty and optimize the game experience in general.

Creating a Fun and Intuitive User Experience

UX development in the video game industry focuses on creating an attractive and fun user experience, which invites the player to enter through a rewarding interaction, an exciting story, tailored to a target audience who wants to captivate, keeping him immersed during long game sessions.

This is extremely complex and resides at this point the long-term success of this product class, while game designers strive to create intuitive user interfaces, responsive control systems and balanced game mechanics that are affordable but at the same time challenging.

Interaction and Strategic Planning

The strategies are simpler to set from the key questions plan to guide the approach and ensure an ideal user experience. They help us not to forget aspects to consider, while at the same time they help us to define the aspects and state in which our minimum viable product (MVP) is located.

Some useful questions are, for example, will players understand the rules of the game?, do we need more features or what we have are enough? , in what parts of the game should we focus on during iteration?, the game experience is correct enough to be launched? . These strategic issues drive crucial decisions and enable developers to perfect and load in the game before its release.

Although this is not all about UX video games, it allows the interested reader to enter a critical aspect of video game development, and its optimization. I hope you enjoyed the note. See you next time!

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veronica pilar jordan

veronica pilar jordan

Hi, I'm Dr. Jordan Verónica, I specialize in IT Law and UX Design. In 2016 I graduated in Law at the National University of La Matanza, later in 2018 I performed the Master in Strategic Intelligence at the University of La Plata, where I directed my thesis to the prospective analysis of the development of the interaction between artificial intelligence and the user, in the development of digital products and services in Latin America.
This experience combined with my taste from a small one for robotics and automatic learning systems, made me turn my vocation to product development and train in 2019 at the University of San Andrés in the Communications Law and Technology Program (DITC).
Since 2020, I devoted myself to developing my knowledge around the psyche and I find myself studying the Bachelor of Psychology at the University of Morón, where I also lecture at the Faculty of Health of that university of philosophy and bioethics. I also find myself certified as Project Manager by Google, I have as a programme pastime and I hope to be certified at the Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires as Designer UX.
In the workplace I played both in the private sphere and in the public. I currently serve in the audit of the execution of projects in the Ministry of Economy of the Argentine Nation, to different companies in relation to products and services recognized by the Law of Knowledge Economics; while promoting the startup DigitalSpells, which focuses on comprehensive planning in the development of digital products that seek to adjust the implementation of technology and its scalability, to the needs of the client and user.


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