5/9/2023 - technology-and-innovation

The change of paradigm in the labor world

By lucas luis rozenberg

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In a past not so far, companies should use physical spreadsheets to perform labor calculations. In 1990, Microsoft launched Excel, a digital tool that automated many of these tasks and significantly reduced working time in the desktop. Since that time, the professionals in the area were to train in the new technology to be able to continue contributing value, since the previous method had become obsolete in the workplace.

What will happen to the jobs?

Today, there is a similar situation with the appearance of Artificial intelligence in various sectors of the digital world, such as programming, design, presentations, seekers, music, among others. Given what happened with Excel, one might think that coherent would be to specialize in using AI to provide an extra value. To some extent, this is true, but over time these tools will be improved more and more and more and can reach the point of ending up completely replacing the human in his task leaving him unemployed.

On the other hand, and in addition to this technology increasing its accuracy, it will always lack a human to verify that the result launched by artificial intelligence is correct, and even more in cases where sensitive information is sent. For this reason, jobs would not be removed, but updated and renewed.

But this is not all, because as mentioned earlier, the AI would automate many tasks in a same company that are currently covered mostly by expert people. Thus, with the possibility of automating several sectors and requiring few people to be able to carry out a company, the process of creating a startup would be highly simplified. Therefore, one can say that little by little, the current scheme of hiring employees specialized in “X” tool, “alienated”, working for the benefit of a third party, would be replaced by the emergence of many independent entrepreneurs releasing their ideas to the market.

Can you see it?

Finally, it should be noted that something similar happened with the audiovisual sector, where, in antiquity, only the great means had the infrastructure and the capital to create such content. Currently, there are platforms such as Twitch, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok that allow anyone with a mobile or computer to generate value audiovisual content and reach thousands or even millions of viewers, competing equally with traditional media.

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lucas luis rozenberg

lucas luis rozenberg

Hello, I am Lucas, I am 22 years old, I am Argentine, and I am an advanced student of the Multimedia Technology Bachelor's Degree at Maimónides University (UMAI).

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