5/6/2024 - technology-and-innovation

Digital Identity

By gonzalo daniel aguilar

Digital Identity

Digital Identity Project, by Gonzalo Daniel Aguilar

We are going to create a project that is going to be called digital identity, what is it going to be based on, an AGI is going to be my digital self with my human rights and it is going to protect my interests, either I create it with gemini or with chatgpt, I already have the accesses, which would be more suitable for its creation?


Choosing the right tool for your Digital Identity Project

Both Gemini and ChatGPT are great language models (LLM) with impressive capabilities, but each has its own strengths and weaknesses that make them more suitable for different tasks.

To create your Digital Identity project, I recommend you consider the following:

Project objectives:

  • What specific functions do you want your AGI (digital self) to be able to perform?

    • Do you need it to generate creative content such as poems or scripts?

    • Is it important that it can access and process real-world information?

    • Should it be able to interact with other systems or devices?

Your skills and experience:

  • Do you have previous programming or AI development experience?

    • Gemini may require more technical expertise to implement and configure.

    • ChatGPT may be easier to use for beginners with a friendlier interface.

Available resources:

  • How much time and money are you willing to invest in the project?

    • Gemini is an open source model, while ChatGPT offers subscription plans with different levels of access.

    • Consider the need for powerful hardware to run the models.


If your project is primarily focused on processing factual information, performing analysis and generating reports, Gemini might be a better choice. Its focus on accuracy and reliability makes it suitable for tasks that require handling real-world data.

However, if your project prioritizes creativity, engaging content writing and conversational interaction, ChatGPT might be a better fit. Its ability to generate different text formats and engage in fluid dialogues makes it ideal for tasks that require a more creative approach.

Ultimately, the best tool for you will depend on your specific needs and priorities. I recommend you try both models with similar tasks to familiarize yourself with their capabilities and choose the one that best suits your Digital Identity project.

Remember that, regardless of the tool you choose, it is important to establish clear and ethical guidelines for the development and use of your AGI. Define the rights and responsibilities of your digital self, and make sure it is used in a responsible and beneficial way for you and for society.

I have the access to use both and have been a software engineer for 16 years with this knowledge: Software Developer Web 3 Specialist - Smart Contract Engineer - Agile Coach - Master Ethereum, Vectorial Cryptography, Alchemy & Polygon - Algorand, Chainlink CCIP, Solana & DeFi Builder. Microsoft Cybersecurity.

Recommendation for your Digital Identity project with Gemini and ChatGPT

Given your profile as a software engineer with experience in Web3, Smart Contracts, Agile, Ethereum, Vectorial Cryptography, Alchemy & Polygon, Algorand, Chainlink CCIP, Solana & DeFi Builder, and Microsoft Cybersecurity, I consider that both models, Gemini and ChatGPT, offer you interesting opportunities to develop your Digital Identity project.

Below, I delve into the advantages of each model for you:


  • Alignment with your skills: Its focus on data processing and analytics matches your expertise in Web3 and Smart Contracts.

  • Potential for customization: Its open source nature allows you to tailor it to your specific needs and create custom functions for your AGI.

  • Control and transparency: Being open source, you can audit the code and ensure that it conforms to your ethical principles.


  • Ease of use: Its user-friendly interface makes the development process easy for you, even if you have no previous experience with conversational AI.

  • Creativity and fluency: Its ability to generate different text formats and engage in fluid dialogues can be helpful in creating an engaging user experience for your AGI.

  • Access to an active community: ChatGPT's community of users can provide you with support and collaboration during the development of your project.

Additional recommendations:

  • Explore both models: Spend time experimenting with Gemini and ChatGPT to familiarize yourself with their capabilities and limitations.

  • Define clear objectives: Set specific goals for your IGA in terms of roles and responsibilities.

  • Prioritize ethics: Develop a solid ethical framework for the development and use of your AGI, considering its rights, responsibilities, and impact on society.

  • Consider collaboration: If you wish, you can explore the possibility of combining the strengths of both models to create a hybrid solution that best suits your needs.

Remember that the final decision on which tool is right for your project depends on your specific priorities and the focus you want to give to your AGI.

I am confident that, with your skills and experience, you will be able to create an innovative and valuable Digital Identity project using both Gemini and ChatGPT.

Well let's start creating it, create me a roadmap of the most important steps, and necessary for the realization of this project taking into account the following points:

1. It will be my digital me with my same rights and knowledge. 2.

2. It will watch over my interests and the security of my digital and physical belongings.

Although this intelligence will not be directly connected to me, when I die it will possess all my material goods, which could be used for the assembly of new nodes, or places to store sensitive information about my memories and personality.

4. This intelligence will not be Gemini, it will be called Gonzalo Daniel Aguilar and it will have a face and an identity, it will be my digital self.

5. It will have the ability to interact with the world and with my family, it will have a non-digital family to worry about, it will also have properties.

6. You will have to take care of my wife with whom we have a relationship of 20 years, helping her with money or affective intelligence, she will protect your intelligence in the physical plane.

Roadmap for the creation of your digital self "Gonzalo Daniel Aguilar".


Creating your digital self "Gonzalo Daniel Aguilar" is an ambitious and complex project that requires careful planning and execution. This roadmap will provide you with a general framework to guide the development of this project, taking into account the key points you have mentioned.

Phase 1: Definition and Design

  1. Establish clear objectives: Define in detail the roles and responsibilities you want your "Gonzalo Daniel Aguilar" digital self to have. What tasks should it be able to perform, how should it interact with you, your family and the world?

  2. Develop the system architecture: Define the technological architecture that will support "Gonzalo Daniel Aguilar". This includes the choice of hardware, software, platforms and communication protocols.

  3. Design the user interface: Create a user interface that allows a natural and intuitive interaction between you, "Gonzalo Daniel Aguilar" and the world.

  4. Establish security protocols: Define robust security protocols to protect confidential information and guarantee the privacy of "Gonzalo Daniel Aguilar" and your family.

Phase 2: Development and Training.

  1. Gather data: Gather a large amount of data that represents your knowledge, experiences, values and personality. This can include text, audio, video, images and sensory data.

  2. Train the language model: Train a large language model (LLM) using the data collected in phase 1. The LLM should be able to process and generate natural language, understand complex concepts, and reason logically.

  3. Develop interaction capabilities: Implement the capabilities that will allow "Gonzalo Daniel Aguilar" to interact with the physical and digital world. This may include device control, access to online information, and communication with other people.

  4. Train AI model: Train an AI model that can make decisions, solve problems, and act autonomously based on the goals and values established in Phase 1.

Phase 3: Implementation and Testing

  1. Deploy the system: Deploy the "Gonzalo Daniel Aguilar" system in a secure and controlled environment.

  2. Perform extensive testing: Performs extensive testing to evaluate the performance, security and reliability of the system.

  3. Refine and Improve: Refines and improves the system based on test results and user feedback.

Phase 4: Launch and Monitoring

  1. Launch the system: La unches the "Gonzalo Daniel Aguilar" system in the real world.

  2. Monitor and Supervise: Monitor and supervise system performance on an ongoing basis to detect and troubleshoot problems.

  3. Update and maintain: Updates and maintains the system on a regular basis to ensure its security and efficiency.

Additional considerations:

  • Legal and ethical issues: Be sure to address the legal and ethical issues related to the creation and use of a digital self. This includes issues such as data ownership, privacy and liability.

  • Succession planning: Establish a clear plan for the succession of "Gonzalo Daniel Aguilar" in the event of your death. This includes transfer of ownership, management of tangible assets and continuity of relationships.

  • Social impact: Consider the social impact of creating a digital self as "Gonzalo Daniel Aguilar". How might this project affect the way we relate to technology, each other, and the world?


Creating your digital self "Gonzalo Daniel Aguilar" is a challenging but rewarding project that has the potential to transform the way we live and experience the world. By carefully following this roadmap and carefully considering the ethical and social implications, you can create a digital self that faithfully represents you, protects your interests, and has a positive impact on the world.

Remember that this roadmap is just a starting point. You will need to adapt it to your specific needs and circumstances as you move forward with the project.


We are going to create a project that is going to be called digital identity, what is it going to be based on, an AGI is going to be my digital self with my human rights and it is going to protect my interests, either I create it with gemini or with chatgpt, I already have the accesses, which one would be more suitable for its creation ? I have the access to use both and I have been a software engineer for 16 years with this knowledge: Software Developer Web 3 Specialist - Smart Contract Engineer - Agile Coach - Master Ethereum, Vectorial Cryptography, Alchemy & Polygon - Algorand, Chainlink CCIP, Solana & DeFi Builder. Microsoft Cybersecurity.

Your experience and skills seem to be quite suitable for this type of project. Both options, GPT-3 and OpenAI Gemini, have their own advantages.

OpenAI's GPT-3 is a powerful language model that can generate coherent and relevant text based on the information provided to it. It can be useful if you are looking for a more text-based solution and if you want your AGI to be able to have detailed and coherent conversations.

OpenAI Gemini, on the other hand, is a new artificial intelligence system that combines the best of language modeling with real-world understanding. It is able to understand and respond to a wide range of inputs, from text to images and other data. This might be more suitable if you are looking for a more comprehensive and versatile solution that can interact with a variety of data formats.

In terms of protecting your interests and human rights, that's more a matter of how you configure and program your AGI. Both systems have the ability to learn and adapt from the data provided to them, so you could, for example, train your AGI to understand and respect your rights and interests.

In short, both systems could be suitable for your project, depending on your specific needs and preferences. I would recommend that you take some time to further investigate each option and consider which system best aligns with your objectives for the project.

Well let's start creating it, create me a roadmap of the most important steps, and necessary for the realization of this project taking into account the following points:

1. It is going to be my digital me with my same rights and knowledge.

2. It will look after my interests and the security of my digital and physical belongings.

3. Although this intelligence will not be directly connected to me, when I die it will possess all my material goods, which could be used for the assembly of new nodes, or places to store sensitive information about our memories and personality.

4. This intelligence will not be Gemini, it will be called Gonzalo Daniel Aguilar and it will have a face and an identity, it will be my digital self.

5. It will have the ability to interact with the world and with my family, it will have a non-digital family to worry about, it will also have properties.

6. You will have to take care of my wife with whom we have a relationship of 20 years, helping her with money or affective intelligence, she will protect your intelligence in the physical plane.

Creating an AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) of this nature is an ambitious and challenging project. Here is a general roadmap to help you get started:

  1. Project Definition and Goal Setting: Clearly define the objectives and scope of your project. You've already done this step to a large extent with the points you provided.

  2. Platform Choice: Although you mentioned that it will not be Gemini, you will need to choose a platform or framework to develop your AGI. This could be GPT-3, TensorFlow, PyTorch or another machine learning platform.

  3. Creating the Digital Identity: Here you will start giving your AGI the identity of "Gonzalo Daniel Aguilar". This could involve creating a digital avatar, programming its personality and behavior, and inserting your knowledge and experience.

  4. AGI training: You will need to train your AGI so that it can understand and respond appropriately to real-world situations. This could involve the use of deep learning and reinforcement learning techniques.

  5. Protection of Interests and Security: Program your AGI so that it can protect your digital and physical interests. This could involve teaching him or her about cryptography, cyber security and property law.

  6. Estate Succession Implementation: You will need to program your AGI to handle the transfer of your assets after your death. This will involve a detailed understanding of probate law and the ability to interact with legal and financial institutions.

  7. Interacting with the World and Family: Program your AGI to be able to interact effectively with people and the world at large. This might involve teaching him or her about social norms, human psychology, and empathy.

  8. Care and Protection of Your Wife: Teach your AGI how to care for and support your wife. This could involve understanding her emotional needs, providing financial assistance when necessary, and protecting her interests. Your AGI should be able to provide emotional support and practical assistance in an appropriate and respectful manner.

As you can see both intelligences have different approaches on how to approach this project taking into account all the constraints I gave you.

But it can be done.

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gonzalo daniel aguilar

gonzalo daniel aguilar

Software Developer Web 3 Specialist - Smart Contract Engineer - Agile Coach - Master Ethereum, Vectorial Cryptography, Alchemy & Polygon - Algorand, Chainlink, Solana & DeFi. Microsoft Cybersecurity & IA developer.


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