9/7/2023 - technology-and-innovation

Impact 17 out of 17. Biotechnology and Development Sustainable development

By alejandrina vendrell

Impact 17 out of 17. Biotechnology and Development Sustainable development


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an urgent appeal to the action of all UN member states. These goals seek to achieve a more just, balanced and healthy world, improving 17 different specific points. BIOTECHNOLOGY, directly or indirectly, provides solutions for ALL SDGs.


No POBREZA. Biotechnology contributes indirectly to achieving this objective. The development of biotechnology in developing countries favours the country's economic growth. The development of Deep Tech calls is one of the most sought-after resources by developing countries to get out of poverty as they can significantly improve living standards in developing countries. In addition, through genetic improvements in their cultures, crops are more stable and resistant to climate change, favoring economic growth in underdeveloped countries, biotechnology can increase food production, nutritional quality and rural employment faster than the population will grow. On the other hand, biotechnology has the potential to dramatically improve health in developing countries, requiring less resources to maintain a healthy population.

CERO HAMBRE. Biotechnology offers many solutions for this purpose, whether with safer, nutritious, healthy foods that replace or replace unhealthy foods. In addition, biotechnology is used to replace or improve the conditions of agriculture, its income, its impact, in addition to replacing or avoiding the use of agrochemicals. In addition, many initiatives seek to replace the source of proteins based on animal consumption by plant-based proteins.

_ Biotechnology contributes directly to achieving this objective. It offers new biopharmaceuticals to cure diseases, even pro and prebiotics to improve people's well-being. In addition to vaccines, which continue to be the most life-saving pharmaceutical product in human history, there are many applications from biotechnology to obtain more affordable treatments and diagnoses.

EDUCATION OF QUALITY. Biotechnology contributes indirectly to achieving this objective. Modern technologies guide medical education to the introduction of innovations in the educational process. Simultaneously with the use of ticks, models, etc., bio-printing can significantly increase the quality of modern medical training.

GENERAL EQUAL. Biotechnology contributes indirectly to achieving this objective. The participation of women in careers in the biotechnology sector is much greater than that of other scientific careers and much above other disciplines such as Engineering or IT. Today we see a strong balance in employees in biotechnology companies. Although there is still no need to improve the balance of management positions, boosting the role of women in the field of biotechnology not only means advancing towards greater gender equality, but has enormous economic potential.

WATER LIMPIA AND BLOOD. Biotechnology contributes directly to achieving this objective. Some biotechnological developments are seeking to obtain water sanitation using improved microorganisms, with lower environmental impact and chlorine use. In addition, through biotechnology it is sought to modify processes in agro, mining, and industries in general, for better use of water.

ENERGY ASEQUIBLE AND LIMPIA. Biotechnology contributes directly to achieving this objective. The impact of biotechnology in the energy industry has been growing sustainably. The production of biofuels from biomass resources will increasingly contribute to the global supply of energy.

DECENT TRABAJO AND ECONOMIC CRECIATION. Biotechnology contributes indirectly to achieving this objective. Biotechnology, in the last two decades, has demonstrated the potential to promote the long-term productive development of a country, with practices compatible with environmental care, with higher levels of equity and social inclusion, and with an appropriate territorial balance. Today this discipline, in addition to profile itself as an ally to solve the complex problems facing the world, is a pillar for economic and social development. In addition, the sector is strategic for its ability to generate wealth and productive employment.

INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE. Biotechnology contributes directly to achieving this objective. Biotechnology is a set of tools that use biological components to improve our quality of life and solve problems that afflict the planet and humanity as: to produce more responsibly, take care of natural resources, fight climate change, innovate and create sustainable solutions. These tools go through numerous industrial sectors always pondering innovation.

REDUCING INEQUITY. Biotechnology contributes indirectly to achieving this objective. Biotechnology can indirectly reduce inequality within a country and between countries through developments that favour accessible public health, which improve the quality of life, food, economy and the development of a country.

SUSTENTABLES CITIES AND COMMUNITIES. Biotechnology contributes indirectly to achieving this objective. At a time when the growing adoption of technology by cities generates unsustainable environmental and economic concerns, biotechnology has allowed new ways to view data storage and energy.

CONSUMER AND RESPONSAL PRODUCTION Biotechnology contributes directly to achieving this objective. Biotechnology is in a unique position to replace pollutant materials and chemical processes with more sustainable biological alternatives. In addition, biological processes can be used to effectively decompose waste and produce materials with less pollution, water, land and energy use than traditional methods.

CLIMATE ACTION. Biotechnology contributes directly to achieving this objective. Through biotechnological compounds, one can achieve the extraigan plants more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. through photosynthesis and the figurine on the floor, where it accumulates over long periods of time and helps to mitigate the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Other solutions include modifications for plants to have greater tolerance to biotic stress and abiotic stress, which also reduces the need to apply other agricultural inputs. Biotechnology also contributes to improving the soil structure and its physical properties, which translates into environmental benefits by lower greenhouse gas production.

LIFE THE WATER. Biotechnology contributes directly to achieving this objective. Biotechnological approaches such as bioremedication, probiotics, waste treatments with microalgae and seaweed are used to restrict and reduce pollutants in effluents before reaching marine water bodies. In addition, the so-called blue bioeconomy, seeks to study marine life in search of new discoveries that can convert aquatic biomass into food, food, food, food, food, food, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, energy, packaging, clothing, etc.

LIFE ON TERRA. Biotechnology contributes indirectly to achieving this objective. Modern biotechnology offers the opportunity to transform biodiversity into a factor of economic and social development through its appreciation, sustainable use and conservation. The training of capacities and infrastructure for biotechnology is seen by many countries as key to the economic development of the 21st century.

_ Biotechnology contributes indirectly to achieving this objective. Biotechnology revolutionized forensic research services, providing a service of precision to the community and contributing to justice. Read more. Unfortunately, like all the technology, biotechnology is potentially dangerous in the wrong hands. Bioterrorism is a threat that keeps alert to the security systems of powerful countries.

COMMUNITY FOR OBJECTIVES. Definitely, the biotech industry has a strong commitment to all these goals. The search for solutions for humanity and the planet is a currency in all biotechnological initiatives, and that is what leads the course of research.


It is not odd that successful entrepreneurs in major entrepreneurs finish their professional careers by creating foundations for philanthropic purposes (the easiest example to quote is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation). However, nowadays, in a more empathetic world (perhaps due to the increased influence of women in society), it is not necessary to philanthropy to collaborate with society and the planet. More and more, those who take or invest in ventures, not only seek economic return, but also get a positive impact on the world. Impact investment, unlike philanthropy, is an investment strategy that aims, in addition to financial gains, to generate a positive social or environmental effect.
By being biotechnology itself an inexhaustible source of solutions to problems of society and the planet, it is no wonder that in the last 10 years investment in biotechnology maintains sustained growth around the world. In addition, after two atypical years of pandemic (in which investments in biotechnology had an unprecedented peak), investments in biotechnology maintained their tendency, being the only sector that kept the pre- pandemic investment values (and even surpassed them in some cases) despite the crisis that crossed global markets. Certainly, in these turbulent times, those we dream of a better world, we are investing in biotechnology.


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alejandrina vendrell

alejandrina vendrell

Alexandrina Vendrell, is Veterinaria, PhD in the area of Pharmacology and Magyster in Biotechnology at the University of Buenos Aires. He is also a Specialist in Technology and Innovation Management at the National University of San Martín. His doctoral thesis won the National Biennial Florencio Fiorini Award, awarded by the Fiorini Foundation and the Argentine League for Fighting Cancer, to the best work in Experimental Cancer. He was a professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the UBA School of Infectious Diseases and postgraduate courses in Immunology at INTA Castelar. She has more than ten years of experience in translational research on cancer immunotherapy and several years of experience in open innovation projects in the biopharmaceutical industry. In recent years he specialized in the design and management of laboratory spaces for the incubation of biotechnology companies. Recently, he obtained the certification in Laboratory Design. Health & Safety Considerations, Harvard School of Public Health. He currently serves as CEO of Loci Labs, the first Coworking of Labs in Latin America.


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