2/28/2023 - technology-and-innovation

What is Metaverse and where it goes

By nicolas cuello

What is Metaverse and where it goes

What is the metaverse?

What many people wonder when you hear the word METAVERSO, what is it? It can be defined as a virtual space of social, economic and playful interaction, which over the last months has been evolving, has been doing in mass, according to the interests of users to know where it comes from and where it goes, how to trigger in this new network, in this future of the internet, to be able to act as today, we act with social networks, the metaverse is a concept, it is not a particular technology, it is a set of virtual reality

As a concept of technology in general, I would say that it is a process, an ability to transform or combine something already existing to build something new or give another function, that is what comes to do the metaverse as a set of technologies, change many ways of doing things, as at the time it was the internet.

The role of Facebook in the metaverse

The most psychical moment of the metaverse, was when Facebook one of the most important technology companies in the world changed its name to Meta, wanting to be a pioneer in this new world, certain is that this concept comes from long before, from science fiction novels, the first novel in bringing this concept was Neil Stephenson's Snow Crash, since it was leaving science fiction to become a reality, Facebook manufacturers not only changed their name to Meta users, but it has come

After this Facebook incursion, big brands and companies follow these trends, not only for an opportunity or fashion theme, but they see a very real and concrete future in the metaverse, since the new generations are accelerating this digital transformation to new platforms.

Many technologies orbit in the concept of metaverse, such as being Blockchain, Criptomonedas, DAOs, Artificial Intelligence, Web3, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, these technologies are great advancements in themselves, giving new tools to internet users, to connect, transact and play.

The metaverse is filling with products and services for millennials, centennials and later generations, digital assets, NFTs, Cryptoponds, movements, digital clothing, everything they can digitally imagine, sells in the metaverse, virtual lands, virtual architecture, virtual stores, offices, the customer will be in the metaverse and the vanguard brands know it.

Wherever the metaverse goes, my understanding for the virtuality of all that is known and more, new ways of doing business, studying, meeting people, having fun, traveling, imagine these great concepts focused on digital spaces and beyond new proposals, is infinite the value that can create.

According to the world's most important consultants, companies have already invested more than $20 billion in 2022, more than double that spent in 2021 and a third than expected for 2023, the reality is that these exponential technologies in terms of acceleration levels are incredible, see what happens with artificial intelligence, for example, in 2010 the big consultants predicted that in 2020, the turnover of business and assets would represent the dollars of the

With these backgrounds, I think the metaverse goes the same way, with exponential growth of all platforms, such as Roblox, which starts as a game, but by having these interactions that I mention as the basic description of the metaverse, social, playful and economic interactions on a digital platform, to be a very popular metaverse, just see the growth statistics to confirm this trend, just see another example of growth as is that of Minecraft with really amazing numbers and very significant alliances like the one you had with Lacoste The French company of inducing first line brand bets on designing and developing products both in the metaverse and in the physical world.

We also have the example of Nike, another top company betting on these new technologies with Nikeland Your shop in Roblox.

Thus we can continue to list large brands that will add initiatives in the metaverse, their strategy to add a “sucursal” more to their stores, add a point of sale more where the new users will be.

And where these users go, they go to a new interaction with their peers, with avatars, of all type and color, in every way that they do not match at all with their people in real life, a new world and apparently of science fiction, the avatar in the metaverse is a fundamental piece, which concentrates all the efforts of the metaverse platforms, the center is the avatar, needing to dress, entertain, capture,

Talking about avatar is talking about a new way to communicate to us, a new experience that will take digital form, codes, cultures, meta-messages that will build as they grow these platforms.

It is said of training avatars bots, to develop information tasks in the chatbot style, imagine the sales force that could have a company with an army of avatars to sell their products, opportunities without limits and this does not mean that traditional sellers lose their work, to my understanding that power people and can take beyond the level of experience of these posts, can empower these machines to say in some way and take advantage of all this knowledge in the field.

And speaking of training imagine the possibilities of training and training in the metaverse, they are very advantageous, themes of distance, costs, simulations are simplified, because we can simulate any process in the metaverse, taking danger for example the processes that can cause some damage to an operative for example, may not have to stop production to empower new operators, can simulate security and hygiene issues and so many other ways to take procedures to digital environments that will not reach much work.


In conclusion, the metaverse is a new evolution of the internet, gives a new way to connect, work, buy and sell, is a concept that groups various technologies, we will have to be prepared for this new era, as when social networks arose and we saw that those who did not adapt were relegated towards others. My recommendation is that they empower themselves and follow these new trends, that they understand these technologies from the beginning, that would facilitate their work to the future, imagine that we are at the beginning of the internet, in these first dial up connections that so precarious seemed and, however, today is a fundamental part of our lives.

Imagine what you do, how it will be taken to the metaverse. Because in the future, users will be there and demand products, services and relationships that can entertain them, as the new generations do today.

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nicolas cuello

nicolas cuello

CEO & Founder of LUCODS. Expert in new technologies, with more than 10 years in the innovative ecosystem, consulting private companies, technology linker, lecturer on technology events such as Virtuality, Smart Cities, Bafici, among others. INTI Advisor on topics related to Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality. Member of METAVERSE STANDARD FORUM. Professor at IMAGE CAMPUS from the METAVERSO route.


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