2/8/2023 - technology-and-innovation

Will AI replace human work? The truth behind the myth

By sofia vasquez

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The role of the human being in the digital age

Lately one hears a lot about the idea that Artificial Intelligence will replace people's work in the future, but I think that this statement is far from the point of view ofreality. AI is better, a complement to our daily work. Helps us solve problems that would take us days or weeks, just hours. I understand that this idea arises from the lack of knowledge about technology, but we must bear in mind that throughout history there have been many tools that meant a supposed "risk" for the work.[caption id="attachment_ 7692" align="aligncenter" width="581"]Un grupo de trabajadores manifestando en contra de un robot que los reemplazó en sus puestos de trabajo A group of workers demonstrating against a robot that replaced them in their jobs[/caption]

The industrial revolution as the main example

If we literally accept that technology will leave everyone without work and we want to prevent technological advancement, it would also make progress in other aspects. Historically, the emergence of new technologies meant a great advance in society.We can see this reflected in the Industrial Revolution, where mechanization and mass manufacturing have replaced many manual workers, but at the same time they have created new jobs in industry and made certain goods more accessible thanks to production speed and low costs.Besides that handmade work can be more expensive than mass production, in handmade or customized work every thing they do is unique and cannot be repeated exactly, so it also follows valuing to this day.[caption id="attachment_ 7693" align="aligncenter" width="578"]Un grupo de trabajadores en la revolución industrial están manifestando en contra de una máquina de hilar que los reemplazó en sus puestos de trabajo. A group of workers in the industrial revolution demonstrating against a hilar machine that replaced them in their jobs.[/caption]

Artificial intelligence cannot completely replace the human being in tasks, as it needs the human criterion to function effectively. As manual labor requires inimitable human skills to achieve its unique quality and characteristics, the tasks performed by the AI require human intervention. It is essential to highlight the role that human beings play in these tasks and how this technology cannot replace these essential skills.As it happened in the past, we now see that automation in the “fourth industrial revolution” is modifying repetitive work and creating new jobs related to these new technologies. AI is a tool that helps us solve problems more easily and quickly, but the real danger is not its use, but rather the lack of adaptation to these technologies. A person who adapts to this tool probably has more possibilities to make your work more efficient.Imagine an accountant who refuses to use Excel models, a doctor who does not want to have the records of his patients electronically or a teacher who is against the digital presentations. It is likely that other people with the same workstation that use digital tools have much more benefit and can perform their daily tasks more efficiently and orderly.As an analogy I heard, the shoes help a runner run better, but they are not necessary to run.This is why AI should be seen in the same way as a tool that helps us to better harness our skills and perform our tasks more effectively and quickly, but will never be able to completely replace the human being.

What aspects characterize the impediment of technological advancement against humans?

It is important to understand that there are aspects that artificial intelligence will never be able to replace. We can notice that it is exact in solving some tasks, but could never replace creativity, emotions or empathy, which are unique characteristics of humans. These are aspects that simply cannot imitate or learn. For example, you cannot understand art, poetry or music in the same way as a human being does.AI is like an automated teacher, can transmit accurate and efficient knowledge, but cannot have the ability to motivate and emotionally connect with students as a person can do.It is important to clarify that artificial intelligence is also limited by its programming. You can perform only specific tasks and your ability to solve problems is limited by the information and the data you entered. Such data may be sesgated or represent only a part of a larger panorama, reflecting existing problems in society having race or gender bias, among others. Normally these shipments come from the data itself and may not be fair or correct.As we have seen this tool also has errors, limitations and prejudices while the human being is able to make decisions based on experiences and knowledge, which gives you an advantage over AI in situations that require a certain judgment to make decisions. Humans have the ability to learn from our experience, to adapt to new situations and to develop social and emotional skills, which is something that AI cannot. It is also very good at repetitive tasks and is designed to perform specific tasks, but does not have the ability to learn and adapt to new situations as we do. In addition, humans have the ability to have critical thinking and their intuition to find "out of the box" solutions to different problems.Therefore, instead of worrying about the replacement of humans by AI, we should focus on how it can be used to improve our lives and do the work easier and more efficient, but always considering that some tasks will require the presence of human beings to monitor what AI does and confirm that the tasks are performed properly.In short, this tool can be a useful complement to human work, but it will never be able to replace human beings in their entirety. The combination of human intelligence and AI can be an interesting force for technological advancement and the solution of complex problems. It is important to recognize the strongholds and limitations of both and to work together to advance as a society.

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sofia vasquez

sofia vasquez

Hi, my name is Sofia Vasquez Furriel. Currently, I am a student at ITBA in the Administration and Systems career. I teach Artificial Intelligence at ITBA in the subject Cognitive Platforms. I gave talks on AI applied to business at the Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires, Universidad de Palermo, Telecom, ATVC and Cappsa.
I work as Project Manager at Scalestack. Creating the first AI Copilot for Sales.
LinkedIn: Sofia Vasquez Furriel
Twitter: SquonkTec
Instagram: sofiavasquez99


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