9/13/2023 - Technology and Innovation

SiwaFest: the new form of web3 events

By finguru

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The desert of Egypt is known for its high temperatures. The abundance of sand and water shortages make this ecosystem an unfavorable environment for prosperity and survival. But it is known that where there is a desert there is an oasis. A meeting point full of life with flora and fauna where we find water, shadow and provisions for travellers. A safe place of connection and growth between pairs that for some can be a refuge and for others can become a home.The web3 ecosystem can often be perceived as a desert. The information on the internet is increasingly abundant and can be interpreted as an infinite amount of sand that in this case is represented by data.The problem of newcomers to this ecosystem is knowing how to differentiate between so many data that exists that is value content and that can potentially be a scam or scam. Influencers act as “curers” of content, but also run the risk of receiving incentives from malicious protocols or projects generating losses in their own audience.Most enthusiasts go through this desert in solitude, doing their own research, learning based on their own experience and making their own mistakes on the way. The question is: Do you have to go this way like lone wolves?Siwa appears as an alternative to learning and accelerating community talent. On the 18th of August the first #SIWAFest #, an unprecedented event for web3 enthusiasts and builders held at a Palermo venue, but with the vibrates and decor of the dearest SIWA Oasis in the desert of Egypt.web3

#SIWAFest #

The event takes place within the framework of Ethereum Argentina He gathered over 450 people. More than a technology event, #SIWAFest presented itself as an immersive and comprehensive experience that combined music, networking and lectures with industry experts to share their ideas and projects.One of the most outstanding guests was Santiago Siri, Founder of Democracy Earth (non-profit organization supported by Y Combinator) and “The Last Frontier” (podcast of the most-earned technology in the country), who gave a masterful lecture on National Technological Capitalism and the importance of an Argentina regarding the export of talents and software to all over the world.web3

Franco Picciano and João Paulo Gonzalez in #SIWAFest

Other guest speakers at the event were:

- Maximiliano Karagenzian: Pinta Token Ambassador, a startup that allows its users to pay their beers with crypto through the $PNT token that equals a pint in breweries like Temple and Patagonia.- Big Arturo: web3makers.org co-founder a non-profit organization that seeks to federalize and democratize access to web technology3 within the country, who told us how he found his purpose for social-environmental education and impact traveling around the world.- Alexios Sepulveda: co-founder and CEO of Provacy Protocol, who gave a lecture on how we can use blockchain to support the security and preservation of the custody chain in crime scenes.- Dashboard Bored Apes with the participation of Bored Ape Holders Juan Pablo Gonzalez and Franco Picciano (co-founders of SIWA and Liberté), Gonzalo Fargas (CGO of Welook & Stickers Protocol) and driving Stephie Cherni (technology communications in media and social networks). There was an interesting debate on the current NFT ecosystem, the value of intellectual property and the strength of the Bored Ape community (collection of YugaLabs owner of the 4 NFT collections with more trading volume in history).- Rommel Brito: Director of NFTGo LATAM, an NFTs analytics platform that allows the analysis and trade of NFTs.In addition to having inspiring lectures and a lot of value content there was participation by artists like P4rafernalia Who delegates to the audience with a live show and the Moon D’Aprile DJ who has musicalized the networking space to provide a creative and relaxed environment.Beer became a gift from the hand Pint Token that I sponsor the event presenting paints to the participants and did not miss the chocolate of the hand Cryptochocolate who delivered edible cryptocurrencies with the Ethereum symbol to the first 100 assistants.One of the surprises of the evening was the appearance of two great turtles disguised who attended the event dancing with the participants. Few imagined that these turtles were linked to the main incognite: when reaching the main hall participants were found with a huge egg on a screen with a timer: What was inside that egg?At the time the counter reached 0 the egg hatched and all the audience was admired and marvelled at the birth of Mia, the SIWA turtle.In this precise instant Juan Pablo González and Franco Picciano went up to the stage explaining that Mía is the new custom virtual assistant with Artificial Intelligence for the SIWA educational platform.SIWA is the new name of the recognized web3 community Greece and is also an invitation to explore new fields of knowledge to learn not only about crypto and web3 but also fundamental social skills to connect and undertake in technology as effective leadership.The event was the great launch of the new platform that already has an exclusive pre-enrollment to the first course on NFT collection analysis offered by its own co-founders and already promises other courses as an introduction to the Smart-contract programming in Solidity dictated by Francesco Gentile and New Age Leadership by Maria Francisca Sanhueza Valencia.For more information about SIWA, latest on courses, tech news and new events you can visit the web https://siwa.app/ or follow Siwa LATAM in networks https://twitter. withWe are sure that Oasis will open its doors to continue building and growing together in community.

What can we learn in this new way of doing events?

1. Create an Inmersive Experience: In addition to being just an informative event, it is essential that participants feel part of a unique experience. In the case of #SIWAFest, this was achieved by recreating the vibrates and decoration of the Siwa Oasis, providing an environment that connects participants with the central theme of the event.
  1. Combine Experiences: An effective event is not limited to a single type of activity. #SIWAFest combined music, networking and lectures with experts. This variety keeps participants engaged and offers different ways to learn and connect.
  1. Invite Relevant and Active Speakers: The selection of speakers should be careful, choosing those who are not only experts in their field, but can also bring diverse perspectives and knowledge. At the event, there were founders of non-profit organizations to NFTs experts and blockchain technology.
  1. Incorporate Sorrows and Elements Interactive: The appearance of turtles disguised and the mystery of the egg on the screen added an element of surprise that kept the assistants intrigued and expectant. These unexpected moments can make an event memorable.
  1. Offer Added Value: In addition to information and networking, it's essential to offer something extra that assistants can take. In the case of #SIWAFest, this was manifested in the form of beer sponsored by Pinta Token, crypto-chocolates and the presentation of a new educational tool. These elements add value and make participants feel they have got something tangible from the event.
These advice, based on the success of #SIWAFest, can serve as a guide to organizing events that not only inform, but also wrap and inspire your assistants.

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