3/21/2023 - technology-and-innovation

Top 10 IA impact applications in the legal industry

By carolina de marco

Top 10 IA impact applications in the legal industry

El Salvador dizzying development of technologyinexorably provokes changes, not only in the behavior of society and productive processes of all kinds, but also in the different fields of law. It is that the application of law responds and adapts to the new interpersonal dynamics that are constantly and continuously crossed by the phenomenon of technological innovation.

La Artificial Intelligence (IA)-in simple terms- refers to the combination of algorithms that mimic human intelligence from data, applied correctly, can recognize information patterns to make predictions and thus, perform tasks significantly improving human capabilities. This type of technology, as a result of practical application TRANSVERSATIONS to all industries, will have one change impact exponential In legal relations.

La Artificial intelligence and lawpresent bidirectional connection: On the one hand, the intelligence applied to the different industries gives rise to new situations that cause changes in the classic responsibility factors of law, creating new regulatory circumstances; on the other hand, artificial intelligence directly impacts the legal framework, modifying the work of the administration of justice and the buffets of lawyers. Thus, it began to discuss topics such as the robot damage liability regime, the ethical limits of applying algorithms to predict sentences, the convenience or not of recognizing its own legal personality to robots operating with AI, among many other issues.

It can already be said that the main scope for the proper implementation and utilization of Artificial Intelligence is the absence of specific regulation concerning, or the lack of prior jurisdiction that determine the scope of its recent implementation.

In this article, the following is mentioned: IA’s top 10 impact applications in the legal industry, which will undoubtedly represent challenging transformations when exercising the profession:

  1. Administration of justice: Faced with an obsolete judicial system, with few resources, and with a growing dispute rate, there are intelligent software systems that allow to predict the solution of the Simple legal proceedings Based on pre-filled sentences in the system, improving the efficiency and quality of work in public administration. The greatest abundance, the application of technology would allow to automate processes such as the declaration of heirs in successor processes, or automation of the confrontation of the payment subpoena command in executive processes.
  2. Contract management: Tasks such as contract analysis, the elaboration of all types of legal documents, the management of legal risks, notices of expiration of deadlines, among others, are carried out by an AI software that improves efficiency in the management of lawyers.
  3. Gender violence: System that allows predicting aggression and improving the protection of victims, managing and examining the denunciations of gender violence with greater speed to achieve more effective protection and thus reduce femicide rates.
  4. Scoring credit: It is a computer system used by financial institutions to approve or decline credits, simulating being a risk analyst, taking into account factors such as previously paid punitory interest, credit card expenses, revenue level, credit history, and the purpose of the loan that is intended, among other considerations. At present, there are even financial companies that have started operating in a 100% auto-matized way, where if the algorithm considers that an operation should be carried out, it is executed without the need for further approval by a human manager.
  5. Working environment: The AI and robotization have raised enormous opportunities to automate business processes, with the incipient challenge for companies to reorganize their personnel plant: so workers who have done the same task for years will be replaced by machines, and in turn, there will be need to hire new professional profiles with a new type of skills required. In addition, there are computer systems to participate in hiring personnel, choosing promotions and predicting risks of renunciation.
  6. Scoring for obtaining parole: Score system as a tool to help judges decide on the granting or refusal of parole on the basis of an analysis of the criminal record. It is an AI system that functions as a support tool aimed at improving the evaluation by a judge.
  7. Scope of the right to health: The development of “Electronic clinical history” is paramount to improve the efficiency of clinical practice today. Thus, the registration, processing and custody of the patient's medical information allows to generate relevant clinical knowledge to improve hospital efficiency. The legal challenges that include the anonymization of personal data, confidentiality in the processing of personal data and the technological protection of cyber attacks are then raised. In addition, AI can be used to make different medical decisions such as the convenience of access to a medical treatment or triage evaluation, with which it is debated whether the interested parties would have the right to receive adequate and rational explanations about the logic of the algorithm used in the decisional process of the AI system, even more so considering that failure in this type of theoconology could cause injury or even the death of patients.
  8. Scope of consumer law: Legal complaints have been initiated from consumer associations against companies that, using a secret and self-favoring algorithm, violate the Competition Defense Act or well, generate misleading advertising.
  9. Civil liability for traffic accidents: There are currently autonomous vehicles that are driven by an automatic pilot programmed by a high compound of algorithms (“deep learning”). In view of this, the possibility of autopilots failing, provoking traffic accidents, and with this the legal vacuum of determining to what extent the responsibility of the human or automatic driver is imputable (self vehicle manufacturer).
  10. Right to digital forgetting and cleaning:It is the right that you have a person to require an internet seeker to devise or stop linking your name to certain search results that affect your honor, your privacy or your personal image.
There is no doubt that this type of theme is on the rise, creating important ethical and regulatory challenges where the work of legislators will be of great importance, along with that of lawyers who will face legal gaps to guarantee and guarantee respect for fundamental rights.

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carolina de marco

carolina de marco

Hi, I'm Carolina De Marco. I am a lawyer with more than 13 years of experience in the legal field, received at the Catholic University of Argentina. At the age of 19 I started my professional career in the largest legal study in Argentina, having interacted along my career with national and international clients and with a vast experience in delivering large projects, including the landing of foreign start-ups in Argentina and the Buenos Aires Youth Olympic Games 2018. I did a Master in Labour Law and a Graduate of Artificial Intelligence and Law at UBA. I am currently working on the management of international corporate technology contracts for top-level companies and collaborating with different journals performing articles on innovative legal issues.

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