Ariel Vazquez


Ariel Vazquez


With more than 20 years of experience in academia and business, I am a passionate leader in the management and development of people, projects and educational programs. Currently, I serve as Coordinator of the Academic Departments of the School of Economics at UADE, where I work together with the directors of the areas of Quantitative Methods, Economics and Finance, Marketing and Foreign Trade, Accounting and Taxes, and Administration and Human Resources to articulate the operation and strategies of the School.

In addition, I am the Director of the Bachelor's Degree in Human Resources and of the Department of Business and Technology at UADE, where I manage more than 120 classes and coordinate a team of 60 professors. The Department brings together all the subjects that have a technological component of the Faculty, and the Career has more than 1000 students. My mission is to provide an education of excellence, innovative and relevant to the demands of the labor market and society.
I write about education, the future of work and new applied technologies.

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