Jose Daniel Salinardi is a Certified Public Accountant graduated from the School of Economics of the University of Buenos Aires.
7/6/2024 - Politics and Society
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By Jose Daniel Salinardi
4/15/2024 - Politics and Society
Are we really facing the beginning of a direct military conflict between the two countries? Is this Iran's real firepower, or did the April 13 attack obey internal political needs of the theocratic regime of the Ayatollahs after Israel's attack on its consulate in Damascus, Syria...
4/13/2024 - Politics and Society
Is it possible to determine how Latinos living in the United States define their vote?
4/8/2024 - Politics and Society
A transnational enemy that cannot be confronted with local strategies and tactics
¨ Milei's call for patience and trust may be difficult to accept for Argentine citizens affected by the economic crisis ¨.
4/4/2024 - Politics and Society
XI Jinping bets on nationalism and traditions looking to MAO...and beyond
3/16/2024 - Politics and Society
In November 2023, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders' summit was held in San Francisco, California, which culminated in a meeting between the President of the United States, Joe Biden, and his counterpart from the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping.
2/17/2024 - Politics and Society
<p>En medio de esfuerzos de diversificación y crecientes tensiones comerciales, México superó a China como la principal fuente de bienes importados por Estados Unidos en 2023 por primera vez en más de dos décadas. Las importaciones desde México aumentaron $20.8 mil millones inter...
2/14/2024 - Politics and Society
<p>Los años 2020 y 2021 estuvieron marcados por una trágica pandemia del virus SARS-CoV, al que usualmente denominamos Covid, que costó la vida de millones de personas en el mundo entero. En Febrero de 2022, Vladimir Putin toma la decisión de invadir Ucrania, y desata un conflict...
2/12/2024 - Politics and Society