maria raquel burgueno


maria raquel burgueno


Hello, I am María Raquel Burgueño. I have completed the Specialization in Computer Law (UBA) and I am currently pursuing Specialization in Cybercrime, Cybercrime and Digital Evidence (UBA) and Intelligent Cybersecurity at UNS. I am a Master's student at the School of Economics and Business of UNSAM in the Master's in Management and Design of Technology and Innovation. I have taken Diplomas in Cybersecurity Management from UCEMA, Artificial Intelligence and Law IALAB, Metaverse and Gaming IALAB, Blockchain and Smartcontracts (UCC), Fintech and Blockchain (ITBA), and update and improvement programs in Dataprivacy, Infosec, Digital Medical Records, Cryptocurrencies and consumer rights. I currently work as an Adjunct Professor of the Seminar on New Technologies and Notarial Practice at the University of El Salvador in the Notarial Postgraduate program and as a Teaching Assistant in the subjects of New Forms of Real Estate Contracting and Family Business at the CPO of UBA Law. I am the author of several collaborative works such as Innovation and Digital Inclusion (Ed.Di Lalla), which I also directed, and the chapter on Family Business and Tokenization of Goods and Services corresponding to the work Blockchain and Law Volume IV (Ed. La Ley). I have also collaborated on the chapter How to face and overcome technological challenges in the service of the human person in the work Digital Tools in the Justice Ecosystem (Ed. Legal Vision). I have served as President and Founding Member of the Innovation and Technologies Commission (Year 2020-2023) and as a Regular Member of the Board of Directors of the College of Notaries of the City of Buenos Aires (2021-2023). Currently, I chair a digital collective made up of colleagues who give talks raising awareness about the legal security of information, protection of personal data, and responsible use of technologies, especially in primary and secondary schools.

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